


i couldnt think of a suitable title for this thread. My question is, how do people deal with an assumption either on their part if they are reading for themselves or a sitters. Here are a few examples of what i am talking about:
-Who is backstabbing me
-who is stealing at work
-When will this man come into my life that i was told about in a reading

I ask this question because the question is initially an assumption, so the reading could be based on an assumption not a fact. does anyone clarify what the situation is first before asking who is stealing, or do you find the readings themselves clarify this.

I once had a boss obsessed with the idea people were stealing pencils/pens, however he always went to peoples desks and left with their pen or pencil, but he thought someone was stealing.....his perception was warped.

How do you handle these questions?



Good question.

Joan Bunning has some stuff on this, I was going to quote but most of it is relevant

If I'm reading for myself then I try to see what assumptions I may have made and eliminate them if I can. I find the NLP thinking on presuppositions in language very helpful in finding them e.g.

If I'm reading or someone else then I usually try and make sure that the spread doesn't set the assumption in stone and then I find the cards do the rest for me. I suppose if the question seemed really self-limiting I might try and work with the person to reword it, but I would go with their question unless it is something I don't read on.


I have seen the JB link, but not the other one, thanks!

I got caught making a few assumptions when i started reading, and it kicked me in the butt so i have learnt. Also am analytical, and its my day job too, the first rule is to verify the data or conclusion given to you, before you start working on a solution...make sure there is really a problem:)


214red said:

i couldnt think of a suitable title for this thread. My question is, how do people deal with an assumption either on their part if they are reading for themselves or a sitters. Here are a few examples of what i am talking about:
-Who is backstabbing me
-who is stealing at work
-When will this man come into my life that i was told about in a reading

I ask this question because the question is initially an assumption, so the reading could be based on an assumption not a fact. does anyone clarify what the situation is first before asking who is stealing, or do you find the readings themselves clarify this.

I once had a boss obsessed with the idea people were stealing pencils/pens, however he always went to peoples desks and left with their pen or pencil, but he thought someone was stealing.....his perception was warped.

How do you handle these questions?


We are not supposed to do questions involving assumptions because it can easily lead to faulty readings. If the assumption is inaccuate, the answer will be complete nonsense.

If someone came to me with a question like that I would ask them if they were sure this was happening and how they know. And just tell them that their question contains an assumption and IF that assumption proves incorrect then anything the cards will have to say on the issue will be pure nonsense.

I'd just tell them all that. AND if they are really sure than I would do it, knowing they have been warned.



I responded to a reading in the Your Readings section of this forum with the same question you are asking here. I can't imagine a situation where you could trust a reading based on an assumption. If you were wrong about the initial assumption, there could be no way the reading would prove to be meaningful at all.

When I read for others, I try to help them frame a question that avoids making an assumption of any kind. The cards can be tough to interpret under the best of circumstances, there is no need to add assumptions into the mix.


214red said:
I once had a boss obsessed with the idea people were stealing pencils/pens, however he always went to peoples desks and left with their pen or pencil, but he thought someone was stealing.....his perception was warped.

How do you handle these questions?

Interesting point, Nik. I wonder if a reading based on a warped view wouldn't show that the sitter's view is warped? Cards indicating that it's all in the querent's head, there's no great pen-stealing conspiracy?

That's the problem of doing reading about assumptions. I guess the reader should ask the querent if they are sure that this is happening, since it's very serious matter. Stealing, backstabbing, cheating on...

Personally, I think I'd focus the reading on what the querent could do about this what is happening... about their disappearing pens, evil co-workers and supposedly unfaithful partners. I always prefer to help the querent to act, no to assume this or that.


Marina said:
Interesting point, Nik. I wonder if a reading based on a warped view wouldn't show that the sitter's view is warped? Cards indicating that it's all in the querent's head, there's no great pen-stealing conspiracy?

I've had that happen more than once, which is why I don't over worry about it when reading for someone else.

7 of cups, Moon, etc etc


Why not ask the question of the cards starting with: 'I have an assumption ..."?

I see life as an assumption. Based on what we conclude to trust and be truth.
We assume through our senses that the information we recieve and deciefer (our percieved reality) is in some form made up of, and consists of, a percentage of actual reality. The greater % of actual reality we determine to be present, in a percieved situation will gradually be considered a truth - a fact - a belief, when in a sense it is a conclusion based on the available sensory data injested prior to and at the time of decision. Even when we choose to disbelieve an assumption, it is determined by a balancing up percieved and actual reality - a conclusion based from beliefs.

I suppose it could be percieved that the NLP list of summarys is pressumtuous too ;)

I think assumptions can give breadth to a reading - the reading will show the inherent gaps,

Elven x


Elven said:
Why not ask the question of the cards starting with: 'I have an assumption ..."?

I see life as an assumption. Based on what we conclude to trust and be truth.

I completely agree with you Elven. We assume many things in our day lives - it's a survival technique. If we can't assume that the scary shadow behind the tree is a big predator, we might get eaten by it! Of course, sometimes it's just a shadow.

The problem is that people don't realize they are assuming, they believe that in some magical way they have perceived the one true unadulterated truth (if such thing even exists). So they don't come say "I have an assumption... I think that my co-worker may be trying to sabotage me. What should I do about this feeling that I'm having? Is it real or just in my head?". Specially because people tend to be quite emotional about such topics, and not very rational. That's expected.

They believe that their assumptions are right, that there's no other way. I've noticed that many friends, when they come to me asking if "so and so is betraying them" or if "their evil boss is trying to sabotage their career", they are actually just looking for confirmation. They are sure that it's the truth, they just want the cards to say "yes ma'am/sir".

It's non-productive way of using our "assuming" survival skill. When we see the shadow and assume it's a predator, we run away! You don't want to stay there and become dinner. But people very often use tarot to tell them "yes, they are sabotaging you bastards", so they can sit with their arms crossed and complain "I knew all my problems were because of that bitch/that bastard! I's so involved being me *pouts*!". They are not interested in knowing how to deal with the predator, just in knowing that their assumptions about it are correct.

Of course, not everyone is like that. But in my experience, a sad amount of people are like that.


Hi Marina :)

I think its when I read face to face for people I have the opportunity to for them to pose the question and talk about what they asking. Some will include 'Im not sure about this but, could you see if ....' or they might ask the question and finish it with a 'I dont know'

They may be assuming something, but it also maybe their perception that there is more a percentage of truth to their enquiry, than not. They maybe 80% determined that there is something wrong but cannot pin point the crux of the matter.

We deal with intuition on a daily basis - we think, we feel, we use our senses, we communicate silently and verbally, we gather clues and we determine answers - we make conclusions so we can make decisions. We are seeing clients at a point where they do not have all the information they need to further make further choices. They may also be unable to intergrate the information - for example: Is my boyfriend cheating on me? because the root belief that has been held is in a 'trust fund' whereby he has said: (and the client believes) 'I will never cheat on you'. If there is an over ride of information which challenges this base assumption 'I am in a faithful relationship', then there comes a time when the person will investigate the 'clues' on those assumptions.

They may well be right in their assumptions. As readers, I doesn't benefit the client to disbelieve or assume any specifics until the reading is on the table. It means then that you are reading 'conditionally where reading 'unconditionally' may bring more awareness'. A person who is depressed or have a menatl illness may be discriminated against because of their condition and their questions not taken seriously, or their assumptions may be based from their condition, but it doesn't mean that their assumptions are wrong. And allowing them to verbalize and work with an assumption will lead them to seeing the answers with clarity.

Some of the greatest discoveries and inventions in the world have come from an 'assumption' that has been followed through because there must have been a stronger percentage of belief that at the end of that assumption there is a truth to be found. And on the other hand, so have some of the greatest disasters. Without investigation there is no conclusion.

Elven x