How Many Decks are Enough?


This isn't a trick question. Do you ever feel you will have "enough" decks?

I know there's always a chance a new one will catch everyone's eye from time to time, but is there a number you think is enough or too many? I know everyone is different, just wanted to know if there are those of you who don't think you could be happy getting an occasional new deck, but usually buy a dozen or two every year, and if there are those of you who are pretty happy with a handful or two, adding one here and there.

When it comes to tarot decks, are there ever....enough?


greatdane said:
This isn't a trick question. Do you ever feel you will have "enough" decks?
This is a trick answer.

I'm aiming for 78 decks: one for each card in a conventional deck.

(with the purchase of deck number 79, I'll be *damned* if anyone *dares* suggest I should get rid of any!)

Basically: two decks is too many, but once you push past that barrier, 2,000 decks is not enough.

So I think after my 78th deck, I'll aim to have as many decks as the year (2010 this year, 2011 next year etc) and if by some miracle I manage that, I'll aim for the full date, ie, 24-4-2010 is today, so that'd be 2,442,010 decks.



Too funny, Nisaba!

Right now, I am using two tarot decks and am quite happy, but that doesn't mean there aren't some I still want. After looking over literally probably close to 1,000 decks over the last five or six weeks, I've narrowed it to a handful, most of which aren't out yet (Anna K, Silver Era and new BG, because I missed out on old BG's), but will be soon. I wanted one Majors only, so I'm getting the Star tarot this month. I only get decks I feel I want to read with and that speak to me when I check them out online, so that narrowed the field a lot for me.

I have a feeling decks are chattier to you, Nisaba, because I don't think you get decks you don't feel like you want to read with either.


the road of excess ...

I have always had enough decks. Not that this presents any impediment or moral significance to having more decks tomorrow.



I have enough, seek too many.


When my house can no longer holds my decks it is not enough, I just need a bigger house! lol


I think one deck that you can use well ought to do the trick. Beyond that, you're really just making a pile. :)


LOL Zan!

I loved that. Beyond that you're just making a pile! Priceless!



I have enough, but I'm itching for some more. :) Too bad the budget doesn't concur! :laugh:


OK, which ones would make it enough, Amanda?

Right now, if you had, oh, 500 dollars burning a hole in your pocket, which decks would you get and would THAT be enough lol.