When is a "General" Reading NOT a General Reading?


I just blogged the following post. The experienced pros here probably will have seen this phenomenon countless times already. But as I only started reading on phone lines in January, I am still discovering, not only that there are particular patterns of behavior that will crop up from time to time, but what some of those patterns are. Here's a particular set of circumstances that I've been working on composing a blog post about for a while... and here is the post that I finally have hit the SEND key on.

When is a "general" reading NOT a general reading? When a person actually has a question, but they want to see if the answer shows up in the cards on its own, without prompting.

I have had more versions of the following conversation than I can count. If you are new to reading for other people, give this exchange a good look and expect to see versions of it come up if you read for strangers on a regular basis.

Caller: I'd like a reading about relationships. I want to know what's in store for me.
Me: Do you want a general reading, or do you have a specific question in mind?
Caller: A general reading.

Note: I've learned to ask that question, because when people are paying by the minute, I don't want to waste time reading generally if they have a specific answer they are looking for. But, as I have learned, some people who want something specific still don't volunteer that fact when I offer them the opportunity.

Me: [pulls cards and starts interpreting]

Conspicuous by its absence, normally, is any hint of the person the caller actually wants to hear about. And when it's a "general relationship reading" for a person who actually wants something specific, you can bet that they have a person on their mind. Why is the secretly-targeted person not showing up? Unfortunately, the person they want to hear about frequently does NOT have my caller in mind. In such cases, he or she does not make an appearance in this "general" reading.

Also in such cases, cards indicating that my caller will be meeting someone new and beginning a new relationship, or news that they will be standing on their own or independent for a while (my positive spin on the concept of being not-in-a-relationship) will go unheard. Sadly, in this kind of call, no matter how good the news is, it often goes unheard. I could see cards telling me the caller is going to hit the Powerball jackpot and retire a zillionaire, and odds are they'll gloss right over it because it wasn't what they were hoping to hear.

Anyway, I give my interpretation of the general cards sitting in front of me. If it's a caller who's secretly harboring a specific question, 99.999% of the time, they're not getting their answer. 99.999% of the time, in my experience, that's because they have a person in their heart who has Moved On.

If this is the case, the caller usually provides followup questions that divulge what they REALLY wanted from the reading. "What do you see about a man named Wilbur? We broke up [timespan in weeks or months] ago. Does he still think of me? Does he love me? Will he come back to me?"

And NOW you can actually get down to business. But be prepared to find diplomatic ways to express yourself if the cards indicate that the answer to any or all of those questions is "No". Frequently, Wilbur's mind is on himself or someone else, rather than on my caller. Often, Wilbur's version of "love" involves a vastly different definition of the word than my caller has [which was probably a contributing factor in WHY he and my caller broke up X weeks or months ago]. And in those cases, the odds that Wilbur is coming back at all, or for any reason than his own gratification, are slim to none.

And this is one of the harder parts of doing readings for people. I so want to have good news for everybody. But sometimes I see cards that I know full well are saying the exact opposite of what my caller wants to hear, on a topic that's very near and dear to the caller's heart.

So I channel my inner Queen of Swords at that point, by offering an honest take on what's in front of me, with a reminder of some of the positives that most likely came up when we were still in the "this is a general reading" phase of the call. For example, "When you meet the new person that the first group of cards spoke of, you will find it easier to put Wilbur in the past and focus on the person who's in your present."

One of these weeks, I am going to COUNT the number of "general" readings I do that get converted into a specific question. Because I can guarantee that there will be multiple such calls in any given week. Sometimes there are multiple calls like this in a given DAY. Be prepared for this to crop up, if you are embarking on the path of reading for total strangers, because it WILL happen.


Great read, and I'll tell you, this happens in just about every single "just general" reading I do. Not even with the relationship questions, but like...most of em! Since many of my readings are short, have to be short, because I do a lot of readings in a bar, it's a sticking point. Just when we finally get around to the real heart of things, time gets awkward. I'm forever looking for something to get the real questions out first and foremost.

In the casual bar setting, my conversations go:

Sitter: I want a reading!
Me: Any specific questions in mind? Any areas you're interested in hearing about?
Sitter: Ummm, just whatever. I don't know.
Me: Ok, so let's just look at things generally.

Then, you know, the reading be it one, two, or a hundred cards, inevitably leads to those specific questions, it's like chasing a rabbit down a hole.

The pattern I'm seeing is that this is the testing period. If the general portion hits home, like we know it will, then they feel more comfortable asking about specifics. I think it's just part of the territory. I find mostly that people who make appointments come to me with more specific questions, and are sort of better at having a reading, if I can even quantify it like that.

My other sticking point, and it may be related, and it may not is when the question goes like "Am I happy at my job?" or "Is this a good relationship?". Instinctually, I want to say "Well...are you!?" or "You tell me!". Generally I rephrase things out loud or in my head, to ask a more informative question.


I have a particular spread that I use for general readings that involves a few cards for home and family members, work and money, emotions, and health. If someone asks for a general, I'll use that spread. Invariably I'll focus more on one area than another. When I run out of words I stop, take a deep breath, and ask "Is there anything you want me to go deeper on?" 95 times out of a hundred they'll say no, thanks, you've covered what I needed to hear. And of those 95, 100% will tell me that the column I focussed on more than the others was the thing they;'d been thinking about before they came in.

I've learnt to trust that spread, my cards and my intuition to tell me what the question is, in broad terms, and my clients tend to come in looking anxious, and leave looking relieved and hopeful. If so, I've done my job.


nisaba said:
I have a particular spread that I use for general readings that involves a few cards for home and family members, work and money, emotions, and health.

A variation on the four card spread of spirit-mind-body-emotions kind of thing?

Dancing Bear

I cant help but do all my readings using the celtic cross (my version)
for general readings and every other reading LOL!! soemtimes if i want to extend on the reading i just throw them down in any order... To me my interpretation of a general reading is allowing the cards to speak to you!!
This is my clients first spread in a reading.. I always only do general readings first.. 99% of the time it covers the issue that they initially came to me about.
Only when this reading is done, then they are able to ask questions.
In one sitting we throw about 3 spreads.. the first always general, the next couple are questions leading from the general reading.
It is just the ritual i use..

When is it not a general reading? When a question or specific outcome is expected!


Probie said:
A variation on the four card spread of spirit-mind-body-emotions kind of thing?

It could be a variation of that zodiac-inspired 12-card spread, in which each card means an "area" in the querent's life. It's good for general questions, but I find it a bit too big...


In the cases I'm referring to, though, first the caller states they want a reading on their love life, then when they're asked if they have a specific love-life-related topic or want a general reading, they say that a general reading would be fine. But in reality, they actually want my reading to tell them that the ex that they recently split with will come back and sweep them off their feet.

The trouble is, if The Ex doesn't hold my caller in a similar high regard, and has moved on to other things, he or she is NOT going to show up in the first cards I pull. THAT'S when the caller usually volunteers the question that they *really* wanted the reading to answer.

In my admittedly limited experience (~5 months) on the phone lines, I have had this kind of conversation countless times. So far, the only "asks for general reading, but harbors a secret question" topic I've encountered has been related to romance. Callers I've had who want to discuss financial, career, or other topics have, so far, had no qualms about asking the question they want answered. But I'll get the "general-that's not really-general" sort of request about love-life topics several times per week.

I just wanted to put this topic up on this forum, because it was on my mind after having a few readings like this in a row. I figured if I'm seeing a trend, other readers probably will encounter the same situation.