Getting emotional with stones


Everytime I try to focus on my stones for matters of the heart, like now I was trying to program some, I just burst down and cry!
I was focusing on something good because I'm having trouble just seeing negativity when I really don't have a reason for it now
this are the ones I chose
Rose quartz
Blue Lace Agate
Mangano calcite
Chevron Amethyst
Green Agate
Clear Quartz
Apache Tears
Smoky Quartz

Do you think any of this stones is causing me this despair? Did I make a wrong choice in the stones?


No, I think the stones are helping you release the negativity by crying it out. I think they are also trying to heal the reason behind the negativity. Do you feel better after you cry? Maybe if you let the process continue (go ahead and cry, but continue focusing), you will receive some insight that will help you be more positive in the future.