Have Your "Stuck Cards" been coming up a lot for clients lately?


I'm sitting here @ the computer with my skinny reading table banging out my Opening of the Key spread (OOTK) for an email reading. All of sudden it hits me like a big wave of deja vu, my "stuck cards" are out in full force & I'm hitting everyone!

I use Thoth and for me that's...

*The Moon: A difficult trial/tribulation/adventure, however no trip to Mount Doom makes for a boring Lord of the Rings trilogy & it's the same with our life.

*7/Disks - Failure (Saturn in Taurus): Already obstinate Taurus is further retarded/slowed down by restrictive Saturn till the whole thing grinds to a halt or forms a big brick wall.

*Princess of Swords - Rx/Ill-dignified: Raging & ranting about trouble - in this reading it's in relationship with the above two cards! :(

*5/Wands - Strife (Saturn in Leo - note the "Saturn" connection?) and 7/Wands - Valor (Mars in Leo): Incredible effort needed to get anywhere.

*The Hanged Man - Rx/Ill-dignified: Querent has to fight the tendency of acting rashly instead of just surveying the situation, you'll be just as broke whether you're running in circles in your kitchen pulling your hair out or sitting on your Yoga mat saying "sut" on the inhale and "nam" on the exhale.

*and sometime 10/Disks - Wealth - Rx/Ill-dignified: Not only is it out of season for fruit on the money tree, it's low position on the Tree of Life drags the querent down like a big anchor.

Just a few that I'm seeing a lot. Oh BTW, The Tower has become much more welcome for most it seems. What are your "stuck cards" that come up again & again?


The Hierophant gets me every time. When he appears I take it very slow, describing the literal meaning first, then picking out some key words until something hits for client.

Wheel of Fortune can be a real pain to deal with as well


Soooo, since this is Professional Tarot forum,...my question is this:

Rather than to list your "stuck" cards (Lord knows, we all get them and stuck moments then ensue), what do you do in order to get past those stuck cards and moments when you are reading for the public. What would you do if say your at a Ren Faire and you look down and oops!! Terror grips at your throat!!! You pull a blank or you get stuck because the Hermit in relationship to another card, which is in a crazy position comes up; what do you do? How do you finesse your way through that?? :)


As stated, I work through standard definitions until something hits with client. I study surrounding cards and how it interacts. I'll notice what character in card is physically doing... Laughing? Eating? Drinking? Throwing a football? There are many options when one is stuck


These cards aren't stuck for me, I get them. My point is a number of clients seem to be getting them and they are "stuck" in those problems. My point is about a trend of sitter problems, but seen in the cards.

For example, in Michigan 1/5 are out of work. So cards revolving around economic woes appear often. Does that clarify things?


I get that phenom a lot lately as well.

Clients getting the same messages...with the same cards!

It makes me think I haven't been shuffling well enough!

But it does seem to be a trend with me anyway...that people who need to find me, will find me, and that there is more often than not a reoccuring theme with the clientele that particular day.

I have found ways to read the same three cards in different enough ways, so it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.
But yeah, it seems to happen all the time.

A lot of people seem confused, stuck and in need of some guidance at the moment.


I have a few clients that are sisters and mothers (family groups). The same cards will sometimes showup for their indiviual readings. Even when I change decks.


Probie said:
These cards aren't stuck for me, I get them. My point is a number of clients seem to be getting them and they are "stuck" in those problems. My point is about a trend of sitter problems, but seen in the cards.

For example, in Michigan 1/5 are out of work. So cards revolving around economic woes appear often. Does that clarify things?

I have seen this at parties, any time I've done multiple readings. It happens most of the time, actually. I also get general messages. At Burning Man, I was doing readings in center camp cafe with my Hello Tarot and the two cards with rain on them kept coming up. The sky was totally clear at the time but I knew we were going to get some weather.

By the time I got back to camp, my shade had blown over onto my tent, flattening it, and we had to devise a makeshift shelter out of what was left of the both of them to live in for the rest of the week. I couldn't say I didn't see it coming!


Talking about "stuck cards".... I have been doing a lot of readings myself regarding jobs as I was job hunting before I found this job which I think would be satisfying for me.

Every reading done about this job has been very positive, like out of five cards four are good cards. But the trick is here - out of five cards, one 10 of swords is like bound to happen to be in the middle of the reading.

So, how about that - a stuck bad card that comes up in the midst of all good cards? I take myself as "warned" as 10 of swords has repeatedly come up in readings regarding this job I'm taking the offer. But what kind of bad things that'll happen, I wouldn't have known. @@

Edited to add: I finally started actually working, and I suddenly have another point of view about the 10 of swords. Some people just cannot stand the confinement they feel in climbing the corporate ladder. It makes them feel like escaping to breathe all the time. I might be one of them....that could be why the 10 of swords - ultimately even though everything else is good, I myself feel the pain and suffocation of confinement. But that's just a thought that pops into the mind after one day at work, so....it's just a MAYBE.

I would still continue on to see if I could adjust my mentality to fit in eventually.