Timing and accuracy of cards?


Sorry if this has been asked before, you can delete it if it has. Anyway, I heard once from a guy that when you ask the cards a question, you have to wait a week to ask the question again if you don't then the cards will confuse you. Whatever is you're asking about is in less than a week(Like an event or something), more than likely it will be pretty accurate and you don't really need to ask again like a few days later? I know they say a small thing can change the future but what is your experience? I have something coming up less than a week. I am thinking on asking again in a few days but I don't want to "annoy" my cards too much lol. Plus my cards been saying the same over and over which is great lol and I will admit they're usually accurate.

But in general, when is it okay to ask the same question and if it's too close to when that event happens should you not bother asking again?


I wouldn't give such a concrete time period as that, as one week.

It depends. First my rule of thumb is that you should not ask the exact same question again until and unless you can reasonably expect that enough time has passed that the situation can reasonably have been expected to have changed in some way. OR until something else in the situation has visibly changed and you suspect that might have changed the answer to the question you asked, or changed the future in some way.

Now, for me, IF you have no real reason to suspect that something might have changed, meaning if nothing else in then situation has changed that you know of that might change your answer....if you have no real actual reason to suspect that anything might have changed....then I would say one week is nowhere near long enough. Without any evidence that something might have changed I'd say the minimum I would wait berfore asking the same question again would be one month.

Of course you can ask similar or related questions anything you want. But about re-asking the same question, for me one month...unless you suspect the situation and thus the answer may have changed.

One of the most important things as a reader and one of the most important skills you can develop is to trust the cards as much as you can. If you really trust them and know they told you TRUTH then there is no real need to ask again anytime soon after a reading.



CelestialHorse said:
Sorry if this has been asked before, you can delete it if it has. Anyway, I heard once from a guy that when you ask the cards a question, you have to wait a week to ask the question again if you don't then the cards will confuse you.

Just accept the answer. If you don't, the deck will start to feel that you don't respect its answers. Which, in fact, I can't imagine someone who keeps asking does - if you respected the answer you'd automatically sit with it and wouldn't even think of asking the same thing again, in my opinion.


it likely will just tell you the answer 78 different ways, so i dont think there is any harm in it, but likely it will confuse you the more cards you pull. Also accept that sometimes it is not a time, an action needs to happen before hand


From my experience, the cards do tend to give the same answer in different ways with different cards.
However, if you ask the same cards the same questions again (using the same spread) you'll have two different spreads and then wonder which one applies the most. This will just confuse you more.
If you really feel you need to know more, then try asking the question in a different way or use a different deck (even an oracle) with a different spread. Don't use the same deck with the same spread again; at least that's what I have found useful. And if you'll know the answer in a few days; then maybe just be patient and wait.... ;)


A week isnt enough time, unless the situation at hand has been altered. Dont obsess over the aswer to any question. I beleive that our guides are present when we consult our decks. If you dont trust your cards you dont trust your guides and then tarot becomes useless. Be patient love..your answer will come.


I'd also say a month, unless anything changes... I don't think there's a specific timeline for this, some answers will take a week to happen, some may happen the next day, and some might even take a couple of months.

When I do a general reading for a client, with everything on it (love, professional life, health, spiritual and mental status) I believe that reading will cover a whole year actually. Again, if something happens or all the answers come to reality before that time, then the same reading may be done. Otherwise there's no point in repeating it.

In my opinion this happens with every question you make. Until significant changes happen or the situation evolves, there's no use in repeating the question - the cards may repeat it in different ways or simply not answer you. So I guess it's all about waiting to see, and being receptive to any changes regarding the subject :)


I tend to accept my answer and just let it be, even if it's one I don't like. For myself, I wouldn't ask the same question again unless there had been a significant change in circumstances. For someone else, I would be willing to ask again in three months, but not a moment sooner!