sitters with mental health issues....


I read that you shouldn't or cant't read for a schizophrenic...

is that true???


Why not? I am curious as to the reason.


The only reason I could think is because they can be out of touch with reality, and may not react to the reading well.


NorthernTigress said:
The only reason I could think is because they can be out of touch with reality, and may not react to the reading well.

That is true...But it is also true for alot of mental illnesses.

IMO, if the person was on medication and stable, there shouldn't be any problem with it. But, an undiagnosed/untreated paranoid schizophrenic could really have issues with a less than positive reading, or cards they had preconceived notions about.

But, if you're reading for strangers, how do you know?

I used to manage a large mental health facility, and I can remember one of our counsellors spending HOURS undoing the damage done by a local psychic with one of our patients...And she was one of the 'good' ones - had an excellent reputation...But if someone is having delusions to start with, it's not hard to push them over the edge.


My mother is paranoid schizophrenic & I wouldn't dream of giving her a personal reading. I do read for her, on my own, but not so much lately because the cards are just simply bizarre & they depress me. Go figure. For some reason, paranoid schizophrenics' hallucinations very often center around religion & God, becoming central to their thought processes. I'm 54 & hide my tarot proclivities from my mother because when I was 17 & DIDN'T hide it from her, God & the angels told her I was possessed & she had a bonfire going in the back yard, trying to convince me to walk into it because it was the only way to save my soul. I'm a quick learner. You often can't tell if they're having hallucinations unless you know them well so I would absolutely not read for a schizophrenic, but that's a personal choice, because of my personal history. I'm a quick learner.


thank you for your help on this....
my former bro-in-law/ bf is a schizoprenic and has something else too but won't even confide in me...
it's been a few years, but you can't tell if he's in non-compliance...
but when he's here, 50% of the time he picks a verbal fight with me...we aren't as close as we once were,cuz of his illness...frankly he kinda scares me a bit...he still hears the voices....
before this, he had a few prophetic dreams...
do hallucinations come in dreams too?


Morgane_49 said:
That is true...But it is also true for alot of mental illnesses,...

But, if you're reading for strangers, how do you know?

I used to manage a large mental health facility, and I can remember one of our counsellors spending HOURS undoing the damage done by a local psychic with one of our patients...And she was one of the 'good' ones - had an excellent reputation...But if someone is having delusions to start with, it's not hard to push them over the edge.

Which begs the question if a mentally challenged person goes for a reading, should they tell the reader? Should they wear a sign "Hello, I am a paranoid schitzophrenic, enter if you dare?" You don't know when you are reading face to face, or on the net. So should we ask?? Excuse me, but are you nuts??? Sorry guys, I know I am being irreverent, but WTF? :bugeyed: What are you supposed to do? Half of us, the readers aren't playing with full decks either (pun intended). :laugh: Present poster included :rolleyes:


rockersgurl said:
do hallucinations come in dreams too?

Hmm. I'll ask my mom. :joke: Seriously though, if a schizophrenic says they *dreamed* it, I'd be skeptical. They're schizo, not stupid, & realize, if they're not too far over the fence at the moment, that saying they dreamed something is a whole lot safer for them than admitting it was a hallucination.


rockersgurl said:
thank you for your help on this....
my former bro-in-law/ bf is a schizoprenic and has something else too but won't even confide in me...
it's been a few years, but you can't tell if he's in non-compliance...
but when he's here, 50% of the time he picks a verbal fight with me...we aren't as close as we once were,cuz of his illness...frankly he kinda scares me a bit...he still hears the voices....
before this, he had a few prophetic dreams...
do hallucinations come in dreams too?

If he's being noncompliant with his meds, hes probably doing that argumentitive picking a fight odd behavior. I have a brother who's got major issues with schizophrenia and when he decides "he's cured," he goes off his meds. Yeah, my brother has violent tendencies and he hears voices, constantly. He's scary, but hasn't gotten to the point where he has to be hospitalized.

Technically, and this is my opinion only, daydreams and the dreams we have are ordered hallucinations. Really in order for you to find out that, I would ask the advice of a healthcare professional that deals with the mind.


None of us knows what goes on in the heads of our sitters. I would read for anyone as long as they weren't waving a knife at me and uttering strange incantations before I even started. Why not ? Who is to say what is normal anyway ?

And incidentally - the biggest disaster I ever had as a reader was a happy go lucky perfectly sane person who didn't believe in any of it and went home in floods of tears because it was so spot on and hurt so badly. She never cries. As I say - we never know.