Frustrated with Rune Tarot correspondences

TůRo cards

I didn't want to put this in the runes section because it's not so much about them as it is about my frustration with all the different ways people have tried to correspond the runes to the Major Arcana. There are (at least) 4 different actually created Tarot decks each with a different rune correspondence. The thread on those is in the library under Runes on Majors. Then, it seems like every site I visit which tries to make this correspondence has a different take on how they should be assigned. I have a list of 6 more sites, each with a take on the issue different from all the others. What would you do? Toss the whole concept, pick a different one out of a hat each day, make your own up, or...?


The runes don't/can't have a 1:1 correspondence, so each set of assignments is a personal viewpoint. To be honest, the only way I would "combine" them would be to lay tarot cards first, followed by rune pulls to enhance or clarify.

TůRo cards

True, 22 doesn't equal 24, but it just seems like there's an awful lot of disagreement on just exactly how 22 doesn't equal 24.

TůRo cards

That's an amazing Tarot collection you have, BTW. I'm surprised I have (at least) one deck you don't, Xultun.


Thank you! I do love my cards! :laugh:
I've had trouble making a decision on the Aztec/Maya-based tarot decks. I think I prefer their world/system as oracles.

For the various rune assignments, I try to get into the framework of each specific deck creator's mind. I ask what part of the range of meaning for a rune might have made it be chosen.
Some are easier than others . . .

TůRo cards

That's an interesting perspective, and I can now sort of see better how depending on the deck and/or philosophy of the reader different connections would be more or less emphasized. I guess I'll leave the topic as a personal choice one then. Thanks!

TůRo cards

I don't know if it will sway you off the fence as far as the Xultun goes, but one of my favorite aspects of it is that all of the Trumps can be laid out to form a big interconnected picture. It's pretty cool.


Tomc28 said:
I didn't want to put this in the runes section because it's not so much about them as it is about my frustration with all the different ways people have tried to correspond the runes to the Major Arcana. There are (at least) 4 different actually created Tarot decks each with a different rune correspondence. The thread on those is in the library under Runes on Majors. Then, it seems like every site I visit which tries to make this correspondence has a different take on how they should be assigned. I have a list of 6 more sites, each with a take on the issue different from all the others. What would you do? Toss the whole concept, pick a different one out of a hat each day, make your own up, or...?

Personally, if I were in your position, I'd drop the whole concept. Runes are Runes. Tarot is Tarot. There is no reason I can think of to combine the two and especially if it is bringing your more work and stress than joy and enlightenment. You don't ever have to work that hard. Tarot should be fun, carefree and joyful. Sounds like too much work for too little gain to me.

On another note, I also want to add in that I read both Runes and Tarot and I personally don't think their meanings correspond well enough to try to mix the two. To me it cheapens each a bit. As you'd have to alter some meanings to make them fit. Each are unique and beautiful systems in their own right. I don't think I'd likke to try to squeeze them to try to make them fit another system To me they are best left separate, unless you want to combine the cards with Runes in one reading (as cardlady22 said).


TůRo cards

yes, on a personal level, I've dropped the idea as being one Which will work well for me. But, it's sort of my hobby at the moment to be as syncretic as I can where these things are concerned.Hence the extra effort and frustration. Once I grokked that it works best as something created on a more individualized than systematized basis, I let go of the frustration.


Astrology and Tarot and Quabala and tarot seem to work, but Runes and Tarot and I Ching and Tarot seem to work only poorly if at all. I wonder sometimes if that is because the first two are essentially European/Middle Eastern (which has lots of commerce) traditions and the other two are from, respectively, China and the Scandinavian/Norseland countries (more isolated from outside influences for longer). It may be that the underlying philosophies are so different that they just cannot mesh well.