Is The Scroll of The Highpriestess an ancient computer of Memomy?


Hi All

For some time i am wondering about the scroll of The High Priestess.
The Scroll, containing unconscious and conscious knowledge.
As she organized everything for us on that same scroll, she makes us possible to scroll in All our Un+Consciousness Memory in the way we scroll on the internet to find information.
Hypnoses did prove, we humans are able to re-collect every little thing we experienced in this life and even in past lives.
The Pillars remind us to this as they show us similarity in form, and duality in color, like we put same experiences, with different colours of this experience in the same chapter in our Memory, The Scroll of the High-Priestess, so we can look it up(scroll in it) whenever we want.



The scroll is TORA. The phrase


is a kamea or magic square of meaning that is crucial to oral teachings of the Golden Dawn about the Tarot.
It means: The wheel of Tarot speaks the law of Hathor.

Hathor is esentially, nature.

Waite was prolly reamed for making it obvious the Priestess was TORA in a specific 5 card cross these correlate to.

There is a sixth card to the group, though... expressed with silence, it is symbolized by the universe which is the rose on the cross itself...

I like the memory aspect, and it could fit well, but the scroll is the Law, and symbolic of a RECIEVED idea, not a recalled one. It is the volume of sacred writ upon which all Men and Women profess their creed. It is symbolic of religion, which according to the basis of religion^ balancing the pillars and reconciling Darkness and Light, should guide all human action and aspiration.

(^note this is not a SPECIFIC religion, just a belief in *some* supreme motivating inspiring force.)


It shows the joining with Fortune, which is Jupiter, the Western face of the meditation known as the cube of space, and the other key is the path of Libra, symbolized by the moon in the folds of her gown, which is the sky on the two of swords, the first decan of Libra... This pillar which forms at the apex of the union of Luna, Sol, and Jupiter on this powerful model, and some influence of this card and the Judgement card interlock for the same reason.


The scroll is the Torah (the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). It represents the VSL (Volume of Sacred Law), which is always on the altar during Masonic lodge meetings. (Waite was a Freemason.) The VSL can be the sacred book of any religion which promotes belief in a Supreme Being.


Thanks for the replies about The law ROTA TORA ATOR TARO.
In fact there are 24 of them.
I will keep it on my scroll, where it already scroll in it whenever i wish in silence so i will be able to absorb it well.

As in my language
the English Listening has to do with silence:
Our word for to listen is:

translated that is
Lazy stttttt....... Honour

The Highpriestess is sometimes pictured that way: with 1 finger on her Mouth: stttttttttttttttttttt

Light Luci


To add to scroll in memory: My opinion:

The Law is reflected in Us All.
Not as Pentateuch, 5 Books, or whatever, but as a living spirit.
Our/THE Life Power which is in essence the same in ALL of US.
That Law is on the Scroll.
Our memory of the Life Power, THE ONE SELF.

That what is left when we completely uncloth Death.
