I'm new to oracle. Which oracle should I buy?

Ann Yu

Hello everyone, the title has told it all, I've been a Tarot reader for about 3 years and now I want to expand my knowledge into Oracle. I'm very interested in Oracle because they inspire me in some ways that different to Tarot :D

But I really don't know which deck Beginners should buy :-?? And up to now I still don't have enough knowledge about Oracle (like some rules to read oracle, ways to use, can it be used with my tarot deck together etc)

After searching, I've found out some Oracles that attracts me a lot

Ancient Feminine Wisdom: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/ancient-feminine-wisdom/

Dream Cards: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/dream/ It's interesting :-?? But I dont really understand.

Messages from the Wee Folk: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/wee-folk/ - I'm inspired :D

Psychic Tarot: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/psychic/ - It's ok, too :-?

Well Worn Path: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/well-worn-path/ - I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS FOR, FORTUNE TELLING OR SELF EXPLANATION

And the last: Madame Endora: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/madame-endora/index.shtml - It's amazing

My MAIN purpose on using Oracle is: Fortune-telling :D self-explanation is ok ^^
Thank you guys for any help ^^


First thing I would consider is not just that the deck attracts me...but why...Is it the artwork? Is it the title? Is it the descriptions you have read?

To me the bottom line is Does it speak to me? I have several decks that are great artwork but they don't really speak to me. So as you reflect on a choice, pick one where when you look at a card...it immediately brings some meaning to your mind....it may not be the meaning assigned by the deck creator and that's ok.....but it must "speak"

Good luck!


Ann Yu said:
...But I really don't know which deck Beginners should buy :-?? And up to now I still don't have enough knowledge about Oracle (like some rules to read oracle, ways to use, can it be used with my tarot deck together etc)...

Oracle decks differ from tarot in that there is not any one common system between them. Each deck is a unique entity that needs to be met on its own terms.

Cards can be used in any way you like. With tarot deck(s), by themselves, in spreads, as a tool for meditation ... there's no limit. But that's also true of tarot.

The important thing, as DragonFae says, is that the cards trigger something for you. Buy a deck that makes your imagination/intuition sing!!! :)

Good luck!