Tarot slips of the tongue XD


I started my serious tarot practice a couple months ago and just in the past week or so (since I started playing the Games & Fun forum), I`ve noticed myself almost talking tarot in conversation.
The most striking examples (for me):
- on the phone with my mom, re: the cooperating teacher I`m working with for my fieldwork observation, I almost described the woman as "kind of Queen of Swords, you know?"
- again on the phone with my mom, yesterday she was describing how she`s been feeling lately (back pain, stressed, anxious, thinking that the debilitating back pain was a sign from her body that she needed to just *stop* and rest and relax, going to acupuncture and it not working completely), and I found myself almost putting together the cards that would describe those feelings & symptoms - 10 of swords, 4 of swords, Tower...
- finally, yesterday I was at therapy and my therapist asked what is meant by Mercury retrograde and I couldn`t explain it very well except by saying, "well, it`s just kind of 5 of Wands for the whole time"...

Is this like the next step after having tarot dreams? It`s funny, but I don`t have anyone but you all here on the forum to tell these kinds of things to - no one else understands!


I like what you wrote and must admit to thinking in similar terms.
On driving to the auctioneers recently the old mini didn't want to go into second gear so was wishing for an unseen Magician and his assistance on returning home.
On having my little carload of seven items logged-in it felt like 7 of pentacles discharged or even reversed.

Driving back home i thought about 5 of rods/wands in fighting to change gear and the subsequent Hanged Man when the roll pin linkage to the gearbox dropped out leaving me stuck on a bridge over a main road. Thought: could have been a 'Foden sandwich' on a motorway so was very thankful it wasn't a Tower moment! Breakdown low loader driver collected me and i think the winch motor said "Chariot" on the side.
It pleased me to get home safely and the 4 of rods and pentacles occurred to me then with Justice signing off the paperwork as the pan scales were lowering car from the low loader. Strange what passes through the mind under duress.


oh that is funny! imagine if you'd done a detailed spread that day and gotten any number of those cards! i love the chariot and the justice thoughts too, that's awesome. i was actually posting on the games & fun forum last week and my question started out as "how can i help my husband be less 6 of swords and more 10 of cups?" but then i thought i was being kind of lazy so i just asked how I could help him be happy :p isn't it weird though? it's like the cards become shorthand for all manner of things. i mean, in a way they already are shorthand, but it's funny that it's descriptive instead of predictive.

i keep thinking of The Golden Compass, too, with Lyra's alethiometer and its layers and shades of meaning


Haha. I don't accidentally do it or even unconsciencely. If my friends don't understand my more expansive vocabulary and I start getting really irritated. I'll then just speak in tarot just to irritate them back. :D


hahahaha there's the solution! obnoxiousize them with tarotspeak, how very swordsy :p


I know right? Haha. Some of them know general tarot speak and we all know eachothers significator cards, great to use as code whilst prying ears are about.


That's wicked funny. That's what I need this forum for, no one else I know gets how funny this is :)


I think you're beginning to understand Tarot's "forms" and how they apply as a larger concept. (A few months back, I started a thread to discuss Plato and Tarot, and Plato's theory of forms).

In essence, if the cards embody and encapsulate a concept, you're beginning to think in Tarot's forms, which is the opposite to learning Tarot by rote memorization and keywords. I Applaud You! So many get hungup on memorization and don't ever get to the level of understanding that you're hitting!

Keep digging, you're doing fabulous! For myself, I don't think in Tarot's forms (so I rarely use them as descriptives unless it's another reader I'm talking to) but I am very synesthetic, so I can get a tangle of sensory images when describing or explaining things in life, and this goes into overdrive when reading. Tarot's "forms" are part of the tangle, so I understand completely, even if it's not something I find myself doing. :D


eurydicesdreams said:
- on the phone with my mom, re: the cooperating teacher I`m working with for my fieldwork observation, I almost described the woman as "kind of Queen of Swords, you know?" ...
... and I found myself almost putting together the cards that would describe those feelings & symptoms - 10 of swords, 4 of swords, Tower...
- finally, yesterday I was at therapy and my therapist asked what is meant by Mercury retrograde and I couldn`t explain it very well except by saying, "well, it`s just kind of 5 of Wands for the whole time"...
<cackle> I think like that all the time, and I talk like that some of the time. People just have to keep up, you know? If they haven't learnt the English language by now ...


I do this quite often too...tv, newspaper, work colleagues, books etc.

Never thought about speaking to others in tarot language though, since I am still in the Tarot broom closet...but hey, if you get peeved in a discussion with someone...you can say 'what a reversed knight of swords you are' or 'what a reversed queen of wands you are'...that would be a conversation ender wouldn't it! lol

~ C