How Do you End a Reading?


It's kind of a two-fold question...
I'd like to know how others end their sessions reading for Sitters...but I'd also like to know if you have a personal ritual after you've read for yourselves!

For those who read for do you end your you say something like "Well...that's all that's in the cards..." ? I seem to be lacking in this area, I'd like to put a more definitive end to the session rather than just ask if they have any questions...


I've never done a face-to-face reading for a sitter. When I read for myself, I usually just reshuffle the deck and put it back in its place.


I live in a small close-minded town, and all my non-christian friends have moved so there's no one left to read for face to face, but in the rare event that I do, I ask if there was anything unclear or fi there was a certain card they'd like to look more in to. Usually end with a thanks and a handshake, depending on who and where.


For the last card in the spread I'll usually say "and finally..." and then after ask the sitter if they have any questions about the reading.


I end by saying pick 3 cards to "what you need to know today" &
then I read them & reshuffle and say "pick one to end the reading!" :)

something like this...

I think you just know when it's over and one extra card I think is
enough sometimes.



I ask them if they have any further questions about the information they've received in this reading. I don't ask if they have any questions in general because some people will have question after question after question if I word it that way and we'll be there all day. Then I scoop up my cards so they see it's over and thank them for choosing to have me read for them. :)


Grizabella said:
I ask them if they have any further questions about the information they've received in this reading. I don't ask if they have any questions in general because some people will have question after question after question if I word it that way and we'll be there all day. Then I scoop up my cards so they see it's over and thank them for choosing to have me read for them. :)
Instead of scooping I stand up. Same concept ^^


I say something like, "I hope there was something here that resonated with you, and before you go, please take a good luck stone from this bag."


Chronata said:
I say something like, "I hope there was something here that resonated with you, and before you go, please take a good luck stone from this bag."
I like the idea of good luck stones! If I ever read professionally I might offer pendulums.


It's awesome how the good luck stone works ...excuse the a charm!

The good luck stones have their own "mini reading" too...and my clients have a cool bit of magic to take with them.

And sometimes it's an amazing icebreaker to get people to start a reading (like in an open event situation)

Some folks may be apprehensive about the tarot reading, but everyone likes a bit of good luck!

My ritual for when I read for myself, is to thank whatever powers that be for giving me the reading.

(unless it doesn't say what I want it to... :D)