

Hello, everyone :)

I'm new so I don't know if this topic is active in another thread (I searched but I must have used wrong keywords), apologies in advance.

I am new to the Tarot as well, and have been conducting readings on myself. I wanted to try reading them for someone else, so I tried my luck at work. One of my co-workers readily agreed, but as soon as one of my managers saw them, he freaked out! Like ridiculously so, going as far as calling me a black magic witch and banning me from ever bringing them to work. I love having my cards with me wherever I go.

It really hurt and scared me further into the broom closet. I wasn't offended at being called a witch, I was more offended at the fact that he wouldn't give me a chance to explain and completely avoided me the rest of his shift by not looking me in the eyes and edging away from me whenever there was a risk of coming into physical contact with me.

Am I wrong to be mad?


Well he obviously has a lot of fear and issues with anything he's been taught is sinful. They are his issues. Whether he can say and do the things he did (I'm not in USA) or whether that was discrimination, I don't know.

You can come against folks like that everywhere, some people here have families like that, from whom they hide, or have hidden in the past, their interest in tarot.

I wouldn't get cards out again at work, although I don't think he can stop you having whatever you want in your handbag.

I guess just eminate peace and calm whenever you can around him? I don't think you're in a place to change his attitude, so just let it flow past you. That would be my advice.


Well, he is your boss and under no stretch could it be seen as work-related, so I would suggest not being mad about it.

You have to work and then you get to live. That seems to be about it from my view. :)

xx A


Well, you're brave for pulling them out at work. I can see both sides. It isn't something work related, however, people at my job have their Christian books and things out on their desk. It's a tough call.


RavenSunfire said:
Am I wrong to be mad?
Wrong to be mad ? Yes, I'd say so.

Sorry - but it wasn't work related - and he is as entitled to be shared shitless as you are to be a reader and believe in the cards.

I don't know if he can ban them from the workplace - it isn't a risk I would choose to take. But some day when things have calmed down I would try and talk to him - not as a confrontation as he's as entitled to his views as you are; just to say that you don't actually do magic at all, and are not a witch, and that you were hurt by his reaction.

Don't argue, just state that you were hurt. Be quiet and dignified or you will make it all worse. Then let it go, and if you want to tread for a colleague - meet up after work, or go out to lunch.

And don't advertise it all at work. Work isn't the place for it. Even my managers - who were interested and knew I read - did not allow them to be read in the workplace in case it upset others - and that also applied equally to people who insisted on reading the bible out loud at others.

Beliefs are very personal, and can't be forced on anyone else.


Well, it wasn't right to react to you the way that he did by calling you those names, it wasn't professional at all- but perhaps you and the coworker could go to lunch together to read the cards elsewhere?


I had a teacher my junior year of high school who, best way to put it? Was a freaking bible thumper. She had us reading religious fiction. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't an American History course. She and I had butted heads many times, but never about religion.
Until my friends H and C asked me if I could do a reading for them after class. All hell broke loose, no pun intended. The teacher started raving saying I had to give up my cards, there would be no demon summoning in her class, may Jesus have mercy on my soul! She started grabbing at me and rolling up my jacket sleeves, letting my know she was looking for pendulums and marks of the devil.

I backed up and told her if she accused me of summoning freaking cuthulu everytime I mentioned a non-christian religion I was going to start accusing her of religious discrimination. She always harped on H and C because they were Pagan and Wiccan respectively. We were open to her "Jesus Rants" as we called them, let me just use the T word. I didn't even have the cards with me.

I think I may just attract trouble though. Don't know why...


RavenSunfire said:
One of my co-workers readily agreed, but as soon as one of my managers saw them, he freaked out! Like ridiculously so, going as far as calling me a black magic witch and banning me from ever bringing them to work. I love having my cards with me wherever I go. [...]

Am I wrong to be mad?

I am offended by this.

No you are not wrong to be mad and what he did is discrimination. What if he had called you a dirty Jew or a stinky Muslim because you had a mezuzah around your neck or a Koran on your desk? He had no right to single you out because of your practice. Are others allowed to have a cross sitting out or a Bible on their desk? The guy sounds like an ignoramus.

There was a tactful way for him to approach the subject and calling you names--whether or not you minded being called names is immaterial---like a bully on a playground wasn't the way to do it at all.


You're right to be offended.

He's your manager, that's true, but he could have politely asked you not to bring them to the work place.

Calling you a witch and avoiding contact with you is discriminatory. File a grievance.

The crowned one

Being mad is a reaction, it is neither right or wrong to me. It is how you deal with the anger that will tell in the eyes of your peers weither they thought you were right or wrong.

I do not think it is wrong to have a bible on your desk if it makes you happy, nor a deck of cards, but if your actions, at the work place whither related to the Koran or tarot or devil worship causes a disruption to others, well then, that is the wrong place for it. Work first at work.....Sucks but it is that way.