

Soooooooooo let's talk about it!!!

I just got a new chunkie, it's small and very raw, looks like an arrow-tip.
I just love all the colours and the "dirty" stuff inside, and the flashy surface and the transparency...

Come on come on!!!


I understand your excitement, Pollux, 'cause labradorite is one of my favourite stones :)

Do you know what causes the colour flashes called "labradorescence"? It is mainly caused by interference of light waves (light waves being in phase with each other and out of phase with each other all at the same time) which is a result of the lattice structure of the labradorite crystal.



I've got a big one, the size and shape of a (small) egg. It's dark green with lots of flashes in it, most of them bright blue.

I'd like to know more about how this stone can be used. I mainly bought it (years ago) because it was so beautiful! ;)


Labradorite is a Feldsbar (sp?) so is Moonstone, what is being called rainbow moonstone, is actually more Labradorite than Moonstone. True moonstone is milky and has no iridesence....
there is another name for labradorite, can't think of it right now. But it was what it was being called when it hit the market many years ago.....hmm......*someone look at my tounge, tell me what it says*


According to Melody, its alternative name is Spectrolite - was that the name on the tip of your tongue? :)


Okay okay, I'll get Cunningham's Enciclopedia oof the shelf in a couple of hours (I'm busy now!!!) and type something about it here, the use, traditions and such...

But what I want you allto talk about is your relationship with it - yeah, mostly to rave with me! :D *LOL*


I bought Cunningham's Encyclpedia when I was in Scotland, but couldn't find anything for Labradorite or even Spectrolite :(

I've obviously been looking in the wrong places in the book, so I'll try harder.


Minderwiz said:
I bought Cunningham's Encyclpedia when I was in Scotland, but couldn't find anything for Labradorite or even Spectrolite :(
Found it in my book (it's a Dutch book called Het Edelstenen Handboek by Orpha Cochie). It says that spectrolite is a variant of labradorite that was recently found in Finland. It's called spectrolite because it can have all the colours of the rainbow.


I can find both in my wife's copy of Melody and also in Crystal Power , Crystal Healing by Micchael Gienger (complete with pretty photo).

But I can't find anything in Cunningham.


Minderwiz said:
According to Melody, its alternative name is Spectrolite - was that the name on the tip of your tongue? :)
-can I have a drink? I'm as dry as the mojave
thanks minder, yes that is it....