Letting your deck choose...


Any of you guys do this?

When a sitter does not specify the deck I tend to just hold both of mine and let it choose... the one that wants to do the deck usually feels... more energized and lighter than the other one. It's like it's saying "Me! Me! Pick me!" I've even switched hands with the deck that's giving me that feeling (it alternates) to make sure it's not my arm going all weird.


I have a few decks on the table with the same Major Arcana showing, and let the client pick the one that appeals to them most.

Alone, I'll just dive in and pick a deck - there don't seem to be moments of indecision that would require my having to choose a deck.


I actually only let the person pick the deck when I reading here in the forum. When I happen to read in real life (not very often), I'll use whatever deck I have with me in the moment. In fact, I won't even ask the sitter's opinion on that -- of course I'll choose a deck that is pleasant looking, preferably without too much gore or sex (because some people feel rather shocked by these).

On occasion I'll have more than one deck with me, and I'll try to feel which deck wishes to be used for the reading. Still, the decision is mine.

I know this sounds selfish, but I think I am the reader and the deck must speak to me. Furthermore, this practice of letting the sitter pick the deck is not very common here in Brazil, so the querent does not expect to be the one choosing the deck.


I have enjoyed letting my querents pick their own deck. Because I feel that the reading comes from their spiritual Source/s to them, I see my role as being the translator, or middlewoman. I want them to feel, via the deck, as connected as possible. Then, with them, I say a prayer to best understand that deck, spread and message. I also like that this has led me to have very different experiences with my decks and see them in new lights.


Oh don't get me wrong, I usually let them choose the deck as well.. sometimes they just don't specify what deck they want to use though.


My core decks have 'themes' or 'roles' to which they seem better suited and I use them accordingly.

I do try to let the sitter choose. I strongly encourage my sitters to choose their deck to be read with. It's half of the fun of getting read, I think, and disappointing when they opt not to choose. :(

When they don't, I can either pick the deck by theme or hold it up and "feel it out" to see if it wants to be used for this particular reading.


Generally I pick the deck, though not through any process such as MissJo describes. It tends to be whatever deck I am most using at that time.


Any of you guys do this?

When a sitter does not specify the deck I tend to just hold both of mine and let it choose... the one that wants to do the deck usually feels... more energized and lighter than the other one. It's like it's saying "Me! Me! Pick me!" I've even switched hands with the deck that's giving me that feeling (it alternates) to make sure it's not my arm going all weird.

Well I have over 100 decks so I am not going to hold them and try to decide. :grin: It is always me who decides and I don't do in person readings anyway so teh querent is never present.

But I do use my intuition all the same. I read over the list of my decks and I "feel" which one is calling to be used. I can feel it inside. They say "Me! Me! Pick me!" for me also, I can feel it energetically inside, in a sort of feeling of excitement...for lack of a better way to discribe it. And it does work, and the right deck gets chosen somehow.

I guess I do another version of what you do, but you do it phsically and I do it emotionally.



I usually pick one deck for the majority of my client readings on any given day, though I do have others on the table.

And every once in a while...I will start shuffling for a client...and instantly just know that it's wrong...and I have to switch decks.

It's like the personality of the deck is a better match for the personality of the person...or maybe their issue would be better interpreted with the symbolism of a different deck.

It's like the decks knows...even when I don't.

Oddly this doesn't happen when I have only one deck available to me...only when I have multiples choices with me.