Can other colors of the same stone temper each other?


For stones with more than one color, for example jasper, quartz, tourmaline or onyx - can the colors temper each other? In other words, if you are looking for a stone to balance another stone or to soften the effects of another stone, can you use another of the same stone but in a different color?


You could do that with different colors, as well as different forms: raw/rough, tumbled, shaped. I knew someone who kept a set of tourmaline in all chakra colors, and read a suggestion to get a set of calcites if $$ was an issue.


You could do that with different colors, as well as different forms: raw/rough, tumbled, shaped. I knew someone who kept a set of tourmaline in all chakra colors, and read a suggestion to get a set of calcites if $$ was an issue.

That's a cool idea. Thanks as always, Card Lady!