Financial Issues and Tarot


Need opinions on the above topic.

I know that Tarot will not up and tell us the winning lottery numbers and that doesn't tend to work in areas where we try to use in that way.

But here is my question. What other uses can it have to help with financial issues? What have any of you used it for in that capacity? How did it work for you? How can it be used to help people financially in an appropriate way.

maybe like asking how to get a raise, when it is time to make a move to find a better job? That kind of thing or whatever ways you think Tarot can help querents in financial areas and what kinds of questions mind be uesful to that end.

Doign a little survey on that. :grin:

Thanks for your help.:heart:



I have quite often done readings - or parts of readings - focussed around careers, business and money. It's never really been difficult. What cards do you have problems with?


The financial aspect is one area I often consult the tarot with, and I still do so up to questions would often pertain to helping me identify blocks to being able to attract money, and What I need to change so that I could earn better. The tarot has given me very concrete how-toss on how to deal with financial concerns.would often use the spreads in our AT forum on spreads. I have found them quite useful.

Sometimes I just ask the tarot to point out to me five or seven actions I should take and just draw out five or seven cards.


I have quite often done readings - or parts of readings - focussed around careers, business and money. It's never really been difficult. What cards do you have problems with?

I'm not having problems wtih any cards, it is just a topic for my newsletter that I am trying to clarify in my mind what to write on the topic, fishing for ideas. LOL


Le Fanu

I don't see how the cards wouldn't be able to say whether something is a good investment or not, whether it is worth accepting a job that pays more, what will be the outcome of a certain financial venture etc.

(I immediately think of the 4 of Pents reversed for a spendthrift... )