Another Tarot dance


It's belly dance combined with other things, and it's gorgeous!

I wonder what the interpretations of the other cards would look like.


That was a lot of fun! :grin: But for some reason it does not say The Fool to me at all. I can really see how the energy of dance could convey the energy of the cards, but that to me just does not say The Fool. I don't see it.

What might be fun is to take a dance except that was not meant to be a Tarot card and to ask which card the energy of it seems to represent and see if most of us would get the same answer...just a thought....



<grin> Bellydance meets its exact opposite, Irish Dancing. It didn't even *really* say Tarot at all to me, except in its label, but that could be because my awareness was not firing, so I presented it anyway.

Love it, though, and it reminds me of the new CGI pretty-pretty generation of decks in general feel.