This reminds me of my morning tarot reading

La Force

I hope this is okay to post , but this just gets me thinking of how my morning are when I do my tarot reading your daily draw whether its a 3 card or 1 card. this is a must watch.

if this was a tarot reading what cards would you say is being depicted in the video? Oh I waiting to hear some responses. lol

La Force

Here are the Cards I think represent the people in this video if they were to show up in my daily spread.

The Mom/Reader is the Empress
The Daughter is the Page of Wands
The Cable man is the King of Wands
The Maintenance man is the Queen of Swords
The Principal is Justice

What do you think? anyone else have some other ideas of what cards could be in this video if it where your morning daily spread.


A brilliant commercial! And it really does seem a little like a reading, getting ready for all the things that can go wrong :D