Stick to RWS or go with the flow with another deck?


I'm quite new to tarot, having been studying for only a few months. I started off with the Radiant Rider, and that deck is still the primary deck I use. However, I also have a Legacy of the Divine deck, and I adore the imagery.

I mostly use RWS though because it's the conventional, standard deck that most are based upon. Learning that will make it easier to learn other decks.

However, I have done a reading with the Legacy of the Divine, and the reading process was so different to me. I really love the imagery and I was drawn to aspects of the imagery that influenced how I felt about the card. I felt quite connected with the Legacy deck. With the RWS, it was mostly just knowing what the card stood for. I really like the Radiant Rider pictures but I find the images just aren't as applicable or speak to me.

Having said this, I also realized that I am getting some different interpretations of the cards from the Legacy deck. So what I am curious about is whether I should just go with the flow, just interpret whatever I feel like from the Legacy of the Divine deck, or if I should just stay with the RWS and keep the conventional standard?


the Legacy looks like a really nice deck. But it, and many, many others are based on the RWS decks. In fact, most decks are. There are different systems such as the Thoth and the Marseilles, but most decks today come from the RWS tradition.

In the end though, it's how you feel with the deck, and what you think of it. I personally think it's nice to branch out into different decks, but it's your own choice in the end.


what about if you did something like lay out the reading with Legacy, interpret it as best you can, then take out RWS, find the same cards, lay them next to the LoD cards and interpret that? You could compare/contrast how the decks read, meanings, etc? might be helpful...


Echoing Cassanda022's suggestion. I did that a lot when I was still learning the basics, and having another deck on hand to compare/contrast the symbols and meanings helped me a lot.

You don't have to stay conventional. Go with what ever feels right at the time. And there's no reason you can't pop out the Waite deck for studying even if you start using the other deck more for reading. Having a foundation of traditional interpretations won't work against you when interpreting decks that aren't so traditional. It just gives you more to work with.


Go with the flow! Do what makes feels right and makes you happy.

Personally, I did not start out with the RWS.. I started out with a completely different deck, The Mystic Faerie Tarot. I love it to bits, it's a wonderfully patient and gentle deck that can take anything from the light-hearted and fun readings to the deep, heavy and painful ones.

The RWS imagery has never spoke to me... I find it boring. There is nothing that holds my attention that deck... I was thinking of getting it for a little while because so many decks are based off it, but I don't think I will, I don't think it's even completely necessary.

I currently have 3 decks, the only one that's more RWS influenced is the Deviant Moon, and even that is very different. It was the second one I started out with, and even though I didn't learn RWS I still found this easy. The only real difference is the imagery... the Fives of Cups is going to mean pretty much the same thing in any Tarot deck, whether it's traditional or no where near. The symbolism may be different, the personality of the particular card may be different... but it's pretty much the same meaning at the end of the day.


The Legacy images are exquisite, but as a Tarot it just doesn't work for me. I would much prefer the RWS for reading, but you're not I. If you are attracted to the non-traditional Tarot imagery of the Legacy, perhaps it's the right deck for you. Don't be concerned about getting different interpretations. Every deck (including the RWS) has a unique personality, which necessarily affects the readings. That the RWS has become some sort of 'standard' indicates nothing more than popularity. (My own favorite reading deck is the Tarot de Marseille, which is not only generally unpopular, but the individual cards have no 'standard' interpretations.)


Honestly it wasn't until I started comparing decks that I really started to get a handle on Tarot. I'm not saying the RWS isn't enough--far from it! It was just easier for me to learn by observing the commonalities and differences between two decks and playing with that tension. Do what excites you! Tarot should be fun. :)


square peg, round hole...

you may find yourself living in a shotgun sha--

No no, what I meant to say was, you may find yourself trying to force a variant deck's card into the RWS meanings at first... like, "this 3 cups isn't what I'm used to at all, so I'm just going to PRETEND it's three women dancing, even though it clearly isn't..."

I did this a lot when I started working with different decks. When you let go of the initial bewilderment at that "different" card and just look at what it has to tell you instead, you will find the readings flowing and, as others have said, your understanding of the same card in both decks enhanced. Enjoy your journey!


Go with the flow! If you are drawn to the Legacy of the Divine, use it and get to know it! Come to have your own meanings and understandings of the cards. Keep a notebook if you can, and write down ideas about the cards as they come to you.

I *love* the Legacy of the Divine and it has become my main reading deck. My readings with it are amazing -- it clicks with me on a deep level.

There's nothing wrong with being drawn to a particular deck and forging your own relationship with it. :)


I second, third and fourth the motion -- go with the flow!

In my case, I studied the RWS but in the midst of it all, to add spice and excitement, I study other decks. It becomes richer because you realize there are tons of possibilities and meanings to every card in every deck!

As many have said - do what excites you.