Timeline paradoxes, karma and Tarot


Today I asked using 3 card spread what will happen to me today and got:

http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt229/Haridas100/Tarot reading exchange/today.png

Which clearly suggested (Death) of me or my wife in a car accident (Chariot) because of too high speed of the car (mine or other car) (8 wands RX).

However nothing like that happened and I cannot find anything else which will fit... No other major changes today...

So I was pondering:
1. Is it possible that because of this reading I drove more careful and avoided the accident? 2. If above question is true, then because of the karma, will this accident be planned for me again?

Do you have any experiences which support this thesis? That your client or you avoided some situations?


the 8 wands were reversed, so it would have more likely been going too slow :) which is just as dangerous.

Nothing wrong with your reading, it just presupposes that tarot or anything else under the sun can foretell the future. I don't believe that for one minute. There are lots of threads here by those who do believe but most refer to 'that one time I was scarily accurate' :) and not the 99000 reading where they weren't ~


There are also those of us who say that the Death card has nothing to do with physical dying, and the Death card does not and cannot predict death for you or anyone else.

If Fortune was really predicated upon such tiny terms as these, then the 10 Coins showing up would mean you are going to win the lottery ... and I've never seen that happen, either.

As far as Karma saying 'We were going to kill you today, but we decided to wait until (fill in the blank) instead," please see my statement about Fortune.

Based on your cards, I would say that the Death card said that today you would do something you don't usually do, the Chariot said you were going to go by car, but the 8 Wands RX says that you couldn't make a decision about what to do out of many choices, so you called it off.


1. Yes. This is one reason people read cards. Nothing is "set in stone," as is often said.

2. No. Karma, for how I understand it, is not a punishment-type of energy. Instead, to me, it's a cause-and-effect type of energy. If you drive fast and recklessly, you may well get into an accident. That's karma. Karma is not a payback punishment for something that is not related to the primary action (for example, you shoplift an item in a store and get into an accident on the way home--those are two different and unrelated actions, in my opinion, and the accident would not be karma.) It might be caused by guilt feelings, but not karma, I don't think.


I might as well mean that something changed (died) in your life, because of a decision you made, or, because of the change, you made a decision bringing you back to earth and the things that really matter.


So I was pondering:
1. Is it possible that because of this reading I drove more careful and avoided the accident?
Absolutely. When I read for clients, it is precisely to get them to cash in on their opportunities and to avoid risks.

(It's also possible the deck was trying to tell you something else and you didn't pick up on it, but I done know the whole of your life well enough to hazard a guess).

2. If above question is true, then because of the karma, will this accident be planned for me again?
Do you believe that your life is fixed in stone, and you cannot change anything? Then maybe, if you're right.

I personally believe we live in order to learn. And if we learn (from a reading or anything else), then we can avoid risks along the way.

I'm fifty-one. Some big stuff has happened to me, positive and negative, along the way. All of it could have been avoided (or missed, in the cases of the good big stuff), if I had learnt differently, been more (or less) aware as I took each step in life. There is nothing that has yet happened to me that was completely unavoidable, nothing that I was "locked into" by Karma. Not yet, anyway.

And in any case, the Sanscrit word "karma" only means "an opportunity". An opportunity to take life by the horns in the case of the good stuff, an opportunity to make amends or heal for teh bad stuff. It is not a script set down before birth that you have to adhere to. Your life is entirely in YOUR hands.

Which is why we practice forms of divination like Tarot, to get the best out of life. If we couldn't change it, there'd be no point. We'd just live from one locked-in event to the next.


I do believe that the Tarot can give good "predictions" ... when they are appropriate to the message which is meant for you. One of the types of spreads I really like to use is the 3 or 5 card "past-present-future" spread. It can often come up with accurate "predictions", but more often it is offering advice for directions one should move towards, or outcomes if one does not make changes. I've also seen occasions when people have made positive changes in their outlook or actions and changed what had come up in a reading.

The thing is we (humans in general) look into and "predict" the future all the time ... generally on a pretty short-term basis. And our predictions are generally based on remembering our past. Driving a car is a very good example ... as you're tooling down the highway and you approach an area where you've frequently seen deer crossing the road, you slow down. You're looking into the future at a possible outcome (ie, hitting a deer) based on past knowledge. Does the prediction come true? Maybe the deer gets across before you get there because you slow down - hence your action "changed" the future you foresaw.

The same type of thing can happen with the Tarot. The knowledge of a possible outcome can allow a person to change their course, thus avoiding an unpleasant outcome. Or, vice-versa, give them advice to allow them to achieve a desired goal.

I personally don't believe our futures are entirely preordained. I believe that we make some choices about the paths our lives might take before we come into this life, but not everything is already decided. Every choice we make can alter our future. There are good things that are coming and bad things. And everything we experience is a lesson to be learned.

Yes, in my experience Tarot can give insight into the future. And in your case, it is possible that your reading did give you the warning of what might come about if you chose to drive too fast. You heeded the warning and may have altered that one potential future. (Speaking from my own experience, it is always advisable to heed speed limits. From working in law enforcement for more than 20 years, I can say that it saves lives, it saves gas and saves you from getting tickets. It also allows you to be a calmer driver because you will suffer much less frustration.)

[ETA] And I am generally in the camp of the Death card generally not meaning physical death - though that interpretation is a possibility. For a car accident to be indicated, I would expect (and have actually had it come up this way) to have The Chariot reversed. If there were to be serious injury, I would expect the 10 of Swords. But then, if you tend to interpret Death as physical death, then yes, it might have been a possibility.


Today I asked using 3 card spread what will happen to me today and got:

http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt229/Haridas100/Tarot reading exchange/today.png

Which clearly suggested (Death) of me or my wife in a car accident (Chariot) because of too high speed of the car (mine or other car) (8 wands RX).

However nothing like that happened and I cannot find anything else which will fit... No other major changes today...

So I was pondering:
1. Is it possible that because of this reading I drove more careful and avoided the accident? 2. If above question is true, then because of the karma, will this accident be planned for me again?

Do you have any experiences which support this thesis? That your client or you avoided some situations?

First point, yes it is possible to change the future just by knowing it. And yes IF you believed you might have an accident you would likely have driven more carefully and that could have led to avoid having it.

The thing about Tarot and the future is that 99% of the time about the future it not set in stone. The future is very fluid and changeable most times. We can purposely change it and yes as you described just knowing the future we are heading towards can impel us to act differently at times, even if you don't do it consciously, and that can change things enough to change the future.

The only thing Tarot can do in predicting the future is show one future among many, the future we were heading towards at the exact moment in time that the reading was done. But yes that future can change adn even by something so little as our knowing it and them feeling and acting differently in reaction to that knowledge.

Next point, and i felt I had to add this in. The Death card only very very rarely means actual death. In all my years of readiing, I have seen that card a lot and only one time in probably thousands of times did it ever talk about actual physical death. It very rarely means that. It can on occasion, but very very rarely.

Also, as for if because of the karma would the accident be slated to occur again. My personal answer is no. That has nothing to do with karma as I understand it. I do believe it is possible that the time of our passing may be predetermined in advance. As in when it's your time, its your time. But that is not karma and not to get to morbid here, IF that has been the case and it had been "the time" for either of you then it could not have been avoided and you wuold not have been given any info that would led you to avoid it. It it had been your time...The powers in charge of woudl have known in advance that if you got that message you woudl have avoided it. So if you were not meant to avoid it, you would not have gotten the info that would have lead you to avoid it.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that more likely you were warned in advance of something that was maybe coming up because you were NOT meant to have that accident. it was NOT your time for either of you, so you were warned so that you would in fact avoid it.

I don't think karma has anything to do with it though. My belief is, and beliefs differ greatly on this, is that Tarot is a communication with the Divine. The same source that decides when it is your time is the source that answers your Tarot quesitons. So if that source knew you were heading towards an accident you were not meant to have, it could well have sent that answer to plant in your mind what you needed so that you would avoid it. That is more likely to me.



Thank you for your most valuable insights!

Situation was: we were driving during heavy snow and we were driving for a walk in the mountains nearby, so accident was likely... So let's conclude, that I drove extra careful because of these cards and avoided possible problem.


Thank you for your most valuable insights!

Situation was: we were driving during heavy snow and we were driving for a walk in the mountains nearby, so accident was likely... So let's conclude, that I drove extra careful because of these cards and avoided possible problem.

HEY! I was close! LOL!!!!!!!