Planets and Signs


Hello, I'm very new to astrology and I wanted to find meanings as to when a planet teams ip with a sign (Mars in Libra). Also, when two plants conjure (Saturn with Venus). Anybody know if good books or online websites?

Thanks. :)


Hello, I'm very new to astrology and I wanted to find meanings as to when a planet teams ip with a sign (Mars in Libra). Also, when two plants conjure (Saturn with Venus). Anybody know if good books or online websites?

Thanks. :)

Hi there :)
As Minderwiz says, there are lots of websites out there, and a lot of them often repeat each other on interpreting planets in signs.

What someone told me to consider is this though -
A planet in a sign is like you (planet) in a room(sign). Sometimes this is a nice safe environment which you like, and sometimes its not to your taste at all and it makes you feel on edge or awful.
What can be more important to consider is planets 'talking' to other planets through aspects. This gives you more of a dynamic, rather than just a planet and a backdrop that its in.



Mars is in its dominion (at home) in Aries...Libra is opposite Aries, therefore Mars is in its detriment in Aries. What an astrologer means when he or she says this (in my own words, but this is the gist of it) is that the application of energy in the form of action (Mars) is hindered by Libra's demand to balance with another person. Mars is a very active, energetic, and frankly, egocentric planet...Libra is very Venusian and social.

Saturn and Venus conjunct (say, within eight degrees of each other...some astrologers would use a tighter orb, others would stretch it to ten or more...personally I find it depends on a lot of factors) do not do well. Saturn restricts and Venus wants to cooperate and collaborate. Saturn demands discipline and responsibility and Venus is more about the aesthetics and niceties in life. Venus is very feminine, and Saturn is a very stern, grandfatherly type. I keep going back to the interpretation that Saturn rains on Venus's parade. Not a good combination.

Planets in a conjunction act together. This does not always mean they "work" together, an obvious case being Venus and Saturn. As you progress in your studies, you will find that different combinations of signs and houses yield interesting results. Based on my post up until now, it sounds like Saturn always wins against Venus with this conjunction. But what if Saturn is in Aries (its fall) and Venus is in Taurus (its dominion)?

Hello, I'm very new to astrology and I wanted to find meanings as to when a planet teams ip with a sign (Mars in Libra). Also, when two plants conjure (Saturn with Venus). Anybody know if good books or online websites?

Thanks. :)