Astrology vs. Enneagrams


I was just looking at a very interesting site about enneagrams:

I don't know much about them, but after skimming through this site, I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on how astrology and enneagrams are similar or how they might differ.

-- Lee


I wasn't aware of it being used with astrology - Sounds interesting. :)

I have read one of Don Riso's works, where he showed correspondences between Myers-Briggs and Enneagram personality types, so indeed, why not Astrology? As with most of these things, the difficulties of fitting between systems with different numbers of "categories" seems quite fascinating... though I often sense another headache coming on. })

I think one thing I liked about the Enneagram system was the use of the personality wing - Noone is (imo) 100% anything? Also the possibility of movement - the directions of integration and disintegration, at least allowed one some hope of change! :D Whether this is paralleled in these other systems, I just don't know... Dynamic versus Static?


isthmus nekoi

I have read (albeit not from a reliable source - on a webpage that didn't cite the study) that there aren't correlations b/w Myers-Briggs and astrology. I suspect this is b/c the studies were not done properly. I think you *can* gauge for example, whether a person is extrovert or introvert from a natal chart. The problem is, there is no quick and easy way to do this b/c a person's approach to life must include a *full synthesis* of a chart. I find the so called 'rules' (ie. fire/air heavy=extrovert) don't work. I suspect the same thing would apply to any personality/type system.


I must admit that I know little of Enneagrams - so this is by no means an 'expert' view. I don't see any problem in comparing and seeing analogies, or correspondences between various personality classifications. It is very likely that such a comparison may tease out extra information and understanding about the various systems.

Although Astrology has been around for millenia the way in which personality has been read via Astrology has altered, especially in the last 50 to 70 years, so it is an evolving Science. Astrological profiling also shows the person as multi-dimensional, via, planets, signs and houses. So a person is definitely not 100% Virgo or 100% anything.

However, Astrology is not a branch of Psychology - it is a science in its own right and we should bear that in mind, when making any comparisons.


I've ordered a book by Riso about enneagrams (Wisdom of the Enneagram), but I haven't gotten it yet, so I'm supremely unqualified to comment about the subject.

That's never stopped me before, though... :laugh: so...

From what I've gathered from poking around on the Internet, the enneagram is a diagram which consists of a circle with nine equidistant points marked around it. Each point stands for a personality type. It sounds simple enough, but it gets a lot more complicated. As Macavity mentions, there are "wings," which are subordinate personality types. There are also a number of evolutionary levels within each personality type, depending on how positively or negatively one is expressing those energies. The whole system can be (and is) used to describe other things besides personality types; for example, some use it as a framework to describe spiritual insights.

It strikes me that there are several similarities here to astrology. The first and most obvious is that it provides a visual diagramming or mapping of the personality.

Secondly, as with astrology, the structure of the pattern provides restrictions on the possible permutations. For example, because of the physical layout of the solar system, one can't have the Sun and Mercury in opposition. Likewise, in the enneagram, for the "wings," it's specified that your secondary personality patterns can only be a personality type symbolized by an adjacent point on the circle to your main type. In other words, if you're a 3 as your main type, your secondary type can be a 4 or a 2, but it can't be a 7. (This feature, it seems to me, takes it out of the realm of objectively quantifiable psychology.)

Thirdly, as with astrology, the enneagram can be used in a deeper way to describe mystical or spiritual patterns of thought.

A fourth similarity would be that, as with astrology, your enneagram type is said to be permanent; you don't change from one type to another over the course of your life.

The major difference that I can see is that the "diagrams" of the various kinds of astrological charts (natal, horary, progressed, etc.) are imposed on us from the outside and are unchangeable (although the ways we interpret them and the ways in which we choose to express them certainly aren't), while with the enneagram, it's ultimately up to the individual to decide what type they are and how they fit into the diagram.

This leads me to wonder... astrology being such an excellent method of mapping the personality, would it ever be useful for someone to try mapping their own personality by taking astrological factors and consciously deciding what goes where in the chart? In other words, I have a cooperative personality so I'm going to put my Ascendant in Libra, or I strongly desire personal possesions so I'll put my Mars in the 2nd House, etc.... might be an interesting excercise...

-- Lee

edited to add fourth similarity


I think one thing I was never quite sure about was whether, in the process of integration or disintegration, one actually became another personality type or merely "visited" them? :)

The Enneagram geometry is interesting, since there are two tracks (9 types = 3 + 6) so, depending on where you start, you have fewer/more places to "visit". And, as you state, the other track is unavailable! Also, ISTR a (perceived) lack of "stops" is compensated by the difficulty of the journey? A fun complexity was that these wings move in "parallel" too...

But I should not preempt or speculate to spoil your enjoyment! Thanks Lee, for introducing an interesting topic. And Hey, if you DO pin down some these issues... ;)



Macavity, you are already light-years beyond my understanding of enneagrams, I didn't understand a word of your post. Now I can't wait to read the book! I'll revisit your post for sure when I can understand it. :) I think we share a love of fun complexities.

-- Lee