A Rant - Client makes me mad!

Pandora MoonRaven

So I do readings through my site, craigslist and LivePerson. I have done hundreds and hundreds of readings over the years and have thus far been happy and I am sure lucky to always have them leave happy, have always had 5 star ratings.
So today I get this lady and she is asking me about a man who is still married and broke up with her. She wanted to know if she should stay or move on. I tossed the cards and everything came up very negative and there was zero love or cups involved. I began to gently tell her that he has moved on and it would be a good idea if she did and poof she logs off.
This was the LivePerson chat. They have 3 minutes free. She was only 1 1/2 minutes into the "paid" session and popped off in the middle of me trying to talk to her. I looked at the sessions history and she gave me a one star rating with the comment "I don't know if she is telling me the truth".
So I sent her a follow up email. I told her I was sorry she was not sure if she got the truth. I told her I just tell her what I see about the situation. I told her I am sorry that this is a hard situation and that the best thing to do is try to follow her intuition. I also told her she needs to think about her happiness and if she is feeling miserable, she may want to move on to find happiness. I let her know that normally in private setting I would refund the money if she felt unhappy but that I cannot do that with LivePerson but would be happy to give her a free email reading if she was willing to try me again.
So I got an email back from her and all she said was "The other psychic told me something different!" OK... I went ahead and emailed her a short note saying that I will not say one psychic is right or wrong. That I know it can be frustrating getting various readings and that I am sorry she is hurting. I told her to try to follow her instinct as best she can and go with her heart. Left it at that.
I of course have a one star rating. Of course my snarky side wants to say..well if the other psychic was right and you are sure she is right..why are you asking the same thing to other readers??? She is obviously angry, confused and heart broken. I guess my ratings will suffer for it. *Steamed*.


Pandora, if you've done hundreds of readings and this is the worst experience you must be really terrific! Your follow-up is more than kind. :heart:

Pandora MoonRaven

I have and this is the first problem I have ever had! If anyone felt I did not tune in, I always offered another free reading or a refund. I was always taken up on the free reading and then it was fine. I have had that happen to me maybe 6 times..UGH. I guess what upset me is she did not even let me finish what I was saying, just bam cut me off and gave me a terrible rating. Not even no rating..a terrible rating. On top of it seems to be no way to make amends or be fair.
*Sigh*...oh well. I do not do many readings on LivePerson. Mostly just in person or through my website/email. Really the only reason I have stuck with LivePerson is for one repeat client I have been helping for years (they take such a large commission cut)..but lately I have been doing some Live Chat readings. I will not let this discourage me!


I have and this is the first problem I have ever had! If anyone felt I did not tune in, I always offered another free reading or a refund. I was always taken up on the free reading and then it was fine. I have had that happen to me maybe 6 times..UGH. I guess what upset me is she did not even let me finish what I was saying, just bam cut me off and gave me a terrible rating. Not even no rating..a terrible rating. On top of it seems to be no way to make amends or be fair.
*Sigh*...oh well. I do not do many readings on LivePerson. Mostly just in person or through my website/email. Really the only reason I have stuck with LivePerson is for one repeat client I have been helping for years (they take such a large commission cut)..but lately I have been doing some Live Chat readings. I will not let this discourage me!

Pandora, I'm sorry to hear about the bad experience you had. It would definitely upset and hurt me to get a customer like that, but not at all discourage me, either. It seems to me like she was not ready for a reading at all. Um, having been an emotional wreck myself in my early twenties, there were some readings that I just HATED because it was the truth. I am not trying to justify how she acted with you, but you've got to be prepared to come across people who are really in denial, and no amount of reasoning, but life, is going to make them see any different. If you don't tell them something they want to hear, it's just going to make them act irrationally. But that's not your fault, or another reader's for that matter. You deserve a lot more credit than you know, so don't let this one person ruin your confidence in yourself or with using LivePerson.


I get the feeling she hung up the minute she heard something she didn't like (as in the truth) so she made another call and this time around the reader told her what she wanted to hear. Shame on her for not even giving you a chance to finish the reading and then rating you poorly for it.

In time she'll find out the "harsh truth".


I feel your pain ;)
but if this was the first time this has happened you are indeed a really really lucky reader.

The cards say move on :)


so sorry Pandora Moonraven!

I know it's no consolation, but had she likely gone to any other professional, not just a tarot reader professional, but a psychologist, she would likely have had the same reaction. When people aren't willing to accept what they may already know, but don't want to hear, there isn't much anyone can do.

I always wondered about that for all of you who read professionally, when you tell someone what they really don't want to hear or accept, it must sometimes affect how they rate their reading.

What's that saying about shooting the messenger?

I'm sorry you got the brunt of her being in denial, Pandora!



Well, the interesting clients add the spice to our otherwise mundane profession ay? ;-)
I had this one rude client had a psychic fair, I shouldn't have even read for him in retrospect because he was so arrogant and nasty in the first place and totally shut me out and wouldn't let me in at all in the first place. So when I was drawing blanks he told me I was terrible, got up and went over to another psychic and she apparently told him everything he wanted to hear. :p It was hurtful and frustrating! So I feel you :)

I am sorry and I'm sure you will not lose faith in your work, it's all part of the process. The difficult clients are the ones that motivate and "fine tune" our characters.


I'd base my decision on your overall ratings not on one person's comment. If you have lots of 5 star ratings and then one 1 star rating, odds are most people will wonder why out of the hundreds of good ratings does this one person give your such a bad rating. It's normally because the recipient has the wrong idea about what to expect and her comment "I don't think she was telling the truth" is very vague.

It would be more dodgy if you had more one start ratings and with similar comments from people - then people start to wonder.

Little Hare

your so nice. I wouldn't even have bothered with a follow up. She obviously only wants to be told what she wants to hear. Some people dont' want to heal or move on and are happy stuck in their own misery.

Don't let that unhapiness stick to you.


Little Hare