Reasons for inaccuracy...?


I've been finding over the past two weeks or so that a few of my readings have been more "off" than usual (granted, I've only been at this a few months), and I'm not sure why.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced periods like this - of just being off your game. If so, did you figure out what the problem was, and how did you fix it?

What are some possible reasons behind something like this, and what can I do to get back on track? I'm starting to feel less confident and less capable. I'm not doing anything differently (not consciously, anyway), and I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.

Any input from the old hats around here would be really helpful :)



No idea how long or how intense you studies have been, but in all honesty - take a step back and chill.

My first question is - why do you feel that these past readings have been inaccurate? Because they didn't have 'lazer guided precision?' Don't expect every reading will be so accurate you can set your watch by it. Time and Tarot are very fluid experiences. You may find out something you felt was 'inaccurate' now is right on the money a week from now.

As far as feeling 'less confident and less capable' - you are over-criticising yourself. I had a Tarot colleague tell me I was 'overintellectualizing' things I saw in a reading.

IMHO - and this is just my 2 cents, not a criticism - many people new to Tarot find that at the beginning when everything is all so new that they give damn good readings - nothing wrong with that. It shows that you have grasped your subject well. But it's like 'sourdough starter' where you keep a cupful of the old batch and add more ingredients to it to make another batch, and keep a cupful going forward. The 'starter' keeps things going but you need to replenish it every once in a while, for even the best 'starter' wears out eventually.

So - what does this cute visual have to do with you reading Tarot?

As I said - I think perhaps you need to do a little back-step and cut back on your readings - but not your studies. You may have processed the first round of information and now you need to enhance what you know. This may include reading another Tarot book (One can never have TOO MANY Tarot books!) to see what someone else has for interpretations that differ from yours. It may mean finding another deck (did you know Tarot readers have vast deck collections? :D) and working with it to see what different visuals bring to the fore. Challenge yourself!

No one is keeping a tally of your accuracy or inaccuracy. Tarot is a lifetime of learning! KEEP LEARNING! And by all means- take a break and recharge any time you feel the need.


Heya Tarotbear :) Thanks so much for your response, it makes a lot of sense.

My first question is - why do you feel that these past readings have been inaccurate? Because they didn't have 'lazer guided precision?'

This is exactly why! Before it seemed like I was pretty much on target in the vast majority of my readings, and now they seem less specific and seem to resonate less with my sitters. But you're right, maybe I should give myself a break (both literally and figuratively).

As I said - I think perhaps you need to do a little back-step and cut back on your readings - but not your studies. You may have processed the first round of information and now you need to enhance what you know.

I will definitely be taking this advice once I finish up my deck of the week readings over in the exchange forum. I have quite a few books that still need reading, and maybe I do need to recharge. I think I'll start with Understanding the Tarot Court, which has been sitting on my shelf for some time begging to be read.

Thank you so much for your help, I truly do appreciate it. I'll let you know how things turn out :)


You may just have higher standards for yourself now than you did when you first started doing readings. Maybe you aren't advancing as quickly as you think you should. If you are basing your accuracy just on the feedback you're getting, that isn't necessarily accurate either. We have all done readings for people who want to hear what they want to hear and think anything in opposition to it is a bad reading. Too, you may just be having an off time. This is a skill like any other. You will have great days, good ones and meh ones.

Finally, I have no idea how many readings you have been doing, but everyone has a limit of sorts. Maybe you can push beyond it, but the quality may suffer in turn. So cutting down or taking a break altogether may be a good option. You can still study the cards through books or journalling so you keep adding to your trove of knowledge. When you start up again, stop reading before you feel tired or burnt out. Self care is key.


You could be in a bit of a slump for many reasons, luckily these slumps tend to come in cycles! and I'm sure you will be back on top of your game before too long.

And what the others have said is true, it could be that what isn't making any sense now makes sense and resonates with your clients days/weeks/months later! We never get to hear the good feedback it seems ;) Could it also be that you have had a string of clients who won't let you "in"? Because if they are skeptical/cynical or doing math problems in their head or otherwise not letting you in then it is difficult to get a good read on someone.

Some suggestions to help you get through the slump are of course to eat and sleep well! Also, to go to the extra little effort to ground and center before and after readings, ask for guidance and strength, and also to do some psychic exercises to get good and warmed up before your appointments or event.

Those are just some of the things I do when I'm feeling "off".


minrice - which exercises does your psychic do?

Just kidding! But in all seriousness, what do you mean by 'warming up' in a psychic sense?