

Don't you just wonder why we tolerate 'em?

I had this wonderful bride book me as the entertainment at her reception a few weeks ago. The wedding is on the 21st April.

Rang back today. She was speaking with her future mother-in-law, who told her that if I was invited I'd curse the wedding out of malice, ending her relationship with the groom and bringing bad luck to anyone who attended.

The bride apologised to me, said her mother-in-law was a d*ckhead - and cancelled to keep the peace. It would have been my first Tarot Wedding, too.

<shakes head sadly>

Dammit, I might just ask to be invited as a guest. And dammitall, if I am, I'll bring a deck or two with me, and just casually play with them in any down-time, as I do on so many occasions.


Well! I'm sure as hell going to walk into the reception, bite the head off a live chicken, and smear it's blood on the mother-in-laws car after twirling it over my head three times! LOL!!!

It's really hard to believe we are in the Twenty-first Century sometimes ....


Beyond all that, pity the poor bride who has just given in to the control of her future m-i-l, setting the stage for a long married life of ego-swallowing and second-class status in her own family.

This one is going to come back to bite her in the butt ad infinitum, I fear.


Nisaba, I do hope that you keep your line firmly drawn - emotionally, I mean - in the sense that this mother-in-law's backwards views have nothing to do with you, and no effect on you. It's too ridiculous for words...I thought we'd left the Dark Ages...

I imagine you'd be a delightful guest to have at a wedding! :D


Don't you just wonder why we tolerate 'em?

I had this wonderful bride book me as the entertainment at her reception a few weeks ago. The wedding is on the 21st April.

Rang back today. She was speaking with her future mother-in-law, who told her that if I was invited I'd curse the wedding out of malice, ending her relationship with the groom and bringing bad luck to anyone who attended.

The bride apologised to me, said her mother-in-law was a d*ckhead - and cancelled to keep the peace. It would have been my first Tarot Wedding, too.

<shakes head sadly>

Dammit, I might just ask to be invited as a guest. And dammitall, if I am, I'll bring a deck or two with me, and just casually play with them in any down-time, as I do on so many occasions.


my God! I had to laugh at this, but yes, sadly, this is how people act. :rolleyes: quite frankly it is typically up to the BRIDE to arrange whatever she wants for her wedding. after all, HER parents pay for it. so the mil technically should keep out of it.

mil's are also well known to break up a happy marriage. probably more then having someone doing readings for the happy couple & their guests.

Now, that said, when my good friend got married for the 2nd time - in the Catholic church, though the reception was in just a hall elsewhere, she did ask me to bring my cards and give readings to those guests who would want them. I took my cards, and of course the first readings were given to the bride and the groom. then other people came up and had theirs done. It was all great fun. I've heard back from some of those people too.

oh, and, yes, that bride and groom are still together and very happy indeed!!! :heart:

*come to think of it, I read for this friend before she knew this guy and predicted him in the cards as well as a few years later their engagement and marriage. :D *


Nisaba, I do hope that you keep your line firmly drawn - emotionally, I mean - in the sense that this mother-in-law's backwards views have nothing to do with you, and no effect on you.
<cackle> Do *I* look like someone that woman could influence at all? I really need two houses: one for me and all my stuff, and another to squeeze my ego into.

I imagine you'd be a delightful guest to have at a wedding! :D
Why, thank you!

I liked Celticnoodle's tale, too.


Oh, that girl is in trouble! Poor her. My first marriage involved a monster-in-law and it was not fun. Ugh, I'm getting flashbacks.

Nisaba, you'll do a wedding, no doubt! I bet it is disappointing, though.