Tarot mood swings


I know this is going to sound weird, but do you ever look at your tarot collection, however big or small it is, and suddenly think...'Why do I have all these decks? Am I mad? How much money is here? Do I need all these? What is wrong with me?'

(Okay, I admit, I'm in a mood swingy kinda state of mind today, and lately I've been getting strong pangs of perimenopausal angst. I had one today in the car on the way home from the grocery store. I suddenly had a deep sense of, what's the point? I go to work, buy food, drive home and we sit there for a few hours, get up the next day and do it again. Why? So, yeah, my reaction to my collection today is probably coloured by hormone surges. But still.)

Anyone ever get this?


Sort of, with other things though.

I look at my tarot collection and suddenly I'm searching for MORE to add to it!! I've actually stopped myself twice today from buying another deck. (Being indecisive helps too)


I look at my tarot collection and suddenly I'm searching for MORE to add to it!! I've actually stopped myself twice today from buying another deck. (Being indecisive helps too)

That's the thing! The thrill of searching for and buying new decks is EXCITING, I get that. It's the odd pangs of guilt, or whatever it is, when I look at the number of decks I have amassed in a very short time, that's what gets me. It's just a mood, though. It will pass. (But in true Wheel fashion, it comes round again!)


I hear you Carla, sometimes I wonder if I'm completely crazy. What would people think if they could see how many decks I actually have (as opposed to the one I leave sitting out)? Why do I spend money on this? And I do that what's the point thing at least four or five times a year. Today it is rainy and yucky, and it is a "what's the point?" day. But you're right, it'll go away. Then it'll come back. Ah, life : )


Carla, I so completely agree with you & feel the same that it seems silly posting here! But I just want to say that I echo every word you posted (& even want to trade away the same decks you do ... & love country walking too ... & am also vegetarian & perimenopausal, & ask myself the very same questions, suffering from ennui ...)

I regularly wonder if I should just sell off lots of my decks which sit there unused ... but then I remember my bright hopes when I bought them, & hold fire, in case my excitement self-regenerates.
It's good to feel un-alone in this dry patch of life, at least! lol. BB. x


Yep - I understand completely, and share these mad moments when I want, really want, to cut my collection down to a very few. What I do at those times is pack up the decks I think I can happily pass on into a box, or a case, and put it away for a while. The plan is that if I can do without them for a year I probably don't want them. I've never lasted that long without having to rummage in the box for one or other of the decks. I started doing the packing away thing because I passed umpteen decks on only to find myself re-buying them. Now that really is a waste of money!

I do tell myself that if I am ever very hard up with a serious bill to pay then I will treat the decks as a resource, and beyond some "essentials" I will sell the others as needed, and I have done this in the past. Can't say it's ever been a fun thing to do but it's helped at times of great need.

I don't know why I get to feeling such - guilt? - at owning so many decks. I don't feel the remotest bit guilty about owning rather a lot of books, and a vast quantity of CD's - so why do I get the guilts about tarot decks? Is it because there is only me in the house who is interested? I don't think so, because a lot of the books are not going to be read by anyone else, and I know there is no chance my husband will ever suddenly want to listen to heavy metal music! It's a puzzle.



Completely agree and identify with all of the above posts!


I have gravitated to the old standards: Marseille, Rider-Waite, and Thoth. I like certain other decks, such as the Secret Forest, but for reading I use the basics. Some Marseille and Rider-Waite redrawings/recolorings are okay, such as the CBD Marseille or the Albano-Waite. After 40+ years of using Tarot, the Rider-Waite is the only one with which I am fairly comfortable, and I still have a lot to learn about it. For my mentality, lots of different decks just do not make much sense.


I have gravitated to the old standards: Marseille, Rider-Waite, and Thoth. I like certain other decks, such as the Secret Forest, but for reading I use the basics. Some Marseille and Rider-Waite redrawings/recolorings are okay, such as the CBD Marseille or the Albano-Waite. After 40+ years of using Tarot, the Rider-Waite is the only one with which I am fairly comfortable, and I still have a lot to learn about it. For my mentality, lots of different decks just do not make much sense.

Maybe I'm beginning to get an inkling of this feeling of yours. Could be part of why I'm suddenly interested in pips only tarot decks.

I'm finding that I like tarot more and more for psychological/introspective stuff, and finding oracles better for me for good old 'fortune telling'. But that's probably a topic for another thread.

loaa boa

I am just getting in the tarot and collecting some decks so I don't feel that way yet.

I do about some other things though and I am going through the change.

I have equipment for a music studio that I am not using. Instruments, music lessons.

I work some fairly long hours and feel by the time I get home and get something to eat and relax it isn't worth getting everything out for only an hour as by the time you get into it, it is time to quit.

I often how people who work full time jobs and have long commutes manage to find any time for hobbies.