What to do with weird?


So... on the weekend I went to a friend's place and read some cards for a troubled teen - by way of her mother who was the querant. The first card down in the Celtic Cross was the Page of Cups, and crossing that was the 2 of Pentacles. I read that there was a message for the daughter (who is in rehab right now) and that she needs to make a decision (about staying in rehab). When I read this, my friend (not the mum) stated that this actual reading was maybe really THE message for the daughter and then we all started to discuss how we should video tape the reading for her.

Well, the mum's phone rang - and it was the daughter calling from rehab. Weird! I know - goosebump moment for all of us.

My question is, how does that happen, and how can I use that kind of thing - if such a thing can be harnessed? This is not the first time something like this has happened during my readings.

Anyone else have this happen? To cultivate or not to cultivate, and if so, how? Or coincidence?


Hmmm guessing this isn't too common then? I'll figure it out! :)


Syncratic Events

I don't think it's odd or weird at all. It happens. Just like when you're thinking about someone and suddenly they ring you up (which is exactly what happened to you).

Give it time. I'm sure others will answer here. Texting and email may be immediate, but the forum isn't necessarily and from what I've seen, many give well thought out and measured responses. It can take more than 45 minutes. ;-)


Thanks! Actually, even with your "syncratic events" title it gives me something to work with ;)


"Synchronicity" that which makes everything we do believeable. The Universe does not make mistakes! ;)


It happens sometimes. I don't know that it's something that can be cultivated, those kinds of events are like...forces of nature, almost.

But yeah, I would use them when possible. :D