do cards get tired when over used


i know this may sound stupid but is it true that cards can get tired by being over used. And how many times a day can we ask the cards for help/guidance. thanks all,

thanks all to sent replies now i know i have to go with my instincts and not the things people tell me, i feel a little stupid now but i can laugh at myself aswell lol. THANK YOU ALL


Do you mean how many times a day can you ask for yourself, or how many differnt people can you read for in a day?

I think there's quite a difference of emphasis there.

PW :)


I think when you ask the same question over and over again, the cards will find a way to tell you to stop.

If you meant, overused as in worked too hard, reading for others or various readings for yourself, all day long. I've found you have to judge that on a deck by deck basis. There's also the fact that it could be you (the collective you, not you in particular) that gets tired.


Do you mean how many times a day can you ask for yourself, or how many differnt people can you read for in a day?

I think there's quite a difference of emphasis there.

PW :)

sorry i meant if i read them for myselve do they get tired. thanks for replie


Do you mean how many times a day can you ask for yourself, or how many differnt people can you read for in a day?

I think there's quite a difference of emphasis there.

PW :)

thanks for replie i meant for myselve, i was told that if i seek guidance too many times in a day then i can get a negative reading, how many times is too many?


I think for me that I wouldn't keep asking the cards for guidance all day long. You need to maybe read in the morning, and then get on with your day. If you keep going back to the cards again and again, you're not really taking responsibility for your day are you?

Cards are a helpful guide, but mustn't become a prop. At least that's how I see it.
I'm sure you'll get other answers too :)



Cards are just bits of cardboard. They don't get tired. I agree with the others though, about reading too much for yourself. This is when the readings can become a bit confusing.


Well I don't think that cards would tire as such - its that they will start giving same messages in different ways and which we might interpret as being conflicting (in the long run) because mentally we might be getting exhausted after doing a lot of readings over the day..

After all you do need some (mental) energy to do a reading...!


No, of course they don't get tired. But we can wear ourselves out by reading over and over on the same topic and hoping for a different answer. Sort of like stirring in a pool until you've churned it into mud.


I've heard the same thing... so great post. Was helpful to me. :)