the cards and animation


i was wondering if anyone had experiences with the cards animating? actually seeing things move on the cards themselves. if so, how did this help with the reading itself, and/or add to the reading? also wondering is this something that happens rarely, or is it relatively common occurance? would one actually have natural, "gifts," to have this happen to them? i find this fascinating; and wondering how this fits in with one's overall tarot experiences.


It happens to me and I know at least one member (she can self-identify if she wishes) has posted about this. Whether it is common, I couldn't say. But I think that most of us at least get 'flashes' or vivid amplifications of what is printed on the cards.


It's happened to me too but only with the Tarot de Marseilles.. Maybe because the picture cards stand out so much from the others.


ONe of the cooler things about my job is that I get to design and execute animation projects. Sometimes I am illustrating complex physics, simplifying economics, or producing a commercial promoting a service or product.
When I look at a card and contemplate it as a living scene, I see it animating in my head but perhaps in a different way.
I look at a card from one of the decks in my collection and I separate the elements into the mechanical layers, Photoshop and Illustrator objects I would import into After Effects and then into Final Cut Pro for assembly with music, narration, character voices and sound effects.
I'm creating a scenario the objects and characters will play out and I'm calculating the work required to realize it as a movie.


I have quite a few times done readings and looking at the cards is like watching a cartoon play out....except that is more what I see in my head. Those readings though have been the most accurate I have done, because the message coming through was really strong and clear.

If you mean the image on the card actually moving, that has only happened to me once and it freaked me out just a little. Would love to see that happen again though!!


Sometimes I get movement in a card. I don't literally see it, though, I just get the impression of it.


One time that stands out vividly in my mind was when I distinctly saw the hand of one of the Kings as being upright, cupped, holding something out but later on, looking at the card again, it wasn't that way at all. It was simply in a downward position resting on the arm of his chair. This was in the Druidcraft deck in a reading I did for a friend. The card as I saw it in the reading was very eloquent to the reading. It was an extremely memorable experience.

I didn't see the image move as in an animation, though. I just saw the image already in the position. It's happened in other readings, too, but for some reason that one really stands out in my memory. I'd look up which King it was in the deck, but my great-grandson is nearby me in his bed and I have all the lights off so he won't wake up again. His Mommy is very sick right now and I'm taking care of him and her both. I'm having to "sneak" to use the computer before I go to sleep. lol I'll look it up tomorrow, though, and come back to post if I get the chance.


I experience the cards moving and talking and interacting with other cards all the time. For me it is more active imagination than it is hallucination. It's one of the things I love most about Tarot.


This happened to me all the time, when I first started using the Minute deck.

The figures would appear to my eyes to be hurriedly doing their thing (sometimes right out of the card!)
This doesn't happen to me quite so much anymore, at least not with this deck.

But it still occasionally occurs with other decks. Especially new ones


I got out my Druidcraft deck and found that it was the King of Pentacles that this happened with at the time I referred to in my last post. In the thread where that was discussed, I think several people mentioned they'd had some amazing experiences themselves with the Druidcraft deck, so I guess that one is known for such experiences.