What To Ask in Daily Drawings


What do you guys ask when doing daily drawings?

I mean this in general like: What do I need to know about today? What will happen today? Etc.

I'm having issues with daily drawings and I was looking for ideas and questions.


For me, it is more (or less) than what will happen today, it is something to think about, something to notice, to ponder. Flow with it, and it is a great way to deepen your understanding of the card.


One way to get away from the divination aspect of a daily draw is to simply pull the card at the end of the day and from there try and find the connections to how you feel, what you done, read, saw etc.
Or pull it in the morning and just like closrapexa said, carry that energy with you, or some detail from it, it is good practice to make one live in the moment, to be attentive to daily life and all the wonderful ordinary things :-D


I often use this little spread:

What will happen today

What message is there for me today (often relates to what is happening)

What advice is there for me today


Gifts for today
Challenges for today
Overview for today

There are some nice little spreads in the spread forum to but basically what do you want from it...

An interesting note is that I also find some of my decks differ in my daily draws I have some decks that will tell me exactly what happening for today and other decks that refuse to be so lowely and insist on telling me (often repeatedly ) what I need to consider, work on or know for that day as opposed to happenings. This is something I have found in my deck of the week explorations and it has been really interesting. Some decks for me want to work on a higher level it seems - I wouldnt have expected this but suppose its no different to some decks being great for relationship readings or reading for others or reading for yourself...


I like to use the daily draw cards as empowerment.

If I'm feeling a little down it's always nice to see a positive card to carry that energy around with me all day :)
So when my mood lapses I always think of the energy that's surrounding me from the card which is kind of comforting.


great question!
I was struggeling with this myself.. but mostly I think my deck wants to tell me what I need to keep in mind for the day.. Whenever I ask the deck what will happen I'll draw a card and really have no clue what it means.. When I ask for an advice for that day, the cards are very clear :)


I've been doing a 3-card reading for the day -- Mental, Physical and Spiritual, and see how my day will be in all three categories.


I like the one in the Mary El book: Within, Without, Advice.