Celtic Cross position


I wasn't sure if this should go here or the spreads forum; I decided on this forum because I'm not actually asking about the whole spread, just one position and how people read it.

So I've been looking up stuff about the CC spread lately. I don't usually use spreads, so despite having been reading for a while (I'd say I'm at an "intermediate" level), I'm not very familiar with it. Of course, it's always included in LWBs and any tarot book, so I have a basic sense of it, and I have used it, just not extensively. My question is about one of the positions - the one above the cross. I'd always read it as "what is known to the querent objectively". It just occurred to me that there might be some distinction between what the querent thinks and what is true. So how do you read it? As a truth, or a perspective? Or both? Just as a made-up example, say in a relationship reading for someone, you get the 2 of cups in that position - does the querent know that the other person is their soul-mate (or that they have a mutual love connection, however you want to interpret that card) - or is it just their belief, when in actuality it could be some kind of delusion? Hopefully that makes sense.


I'll start off by confusing you. {You are asking about the card immediately over the 'cross' card?}

That position is sometimes called 'What Crowns Him' (the Querent).

In my version of the CC, The card is read as the combination of the two preceeding cards. The First card is the question, the 'Cross; card is an Influence on that card, and the next card is the one directly above it and is the combination of the two preceeeding cards - AND- it represents what I refer to as 'The First Outcome' - what comes about from the cross card influencing the first card. This outcome can be expected to conclude in the near future.

{Since that probably has you wondering, the Second outcome is Card #6 [in the coming future], and the Final Outcome [10th card] is what can be expected in the distant future.}


I read the vertical axis as the unconscious below and the conscious above. It's what they're thinking about, whether they're right or not.

However, the person who taught me the CC reads the "below" card as the basic foundation of the situation, and the "above" card as the best possible outcome of the situation.

(The fun thing about these two different interpretations is that they come out the same more often than I would have expected.)


Yes, I also find that position confusing. I generally read it as 'best possible outcome', but sometimes what the querent aspires to but may not attain.


{Since that probably has you wondering, the Second outcome is Card #6 [in the coming future], and the Final Outcome [10th card] is what can be expected in the distant future.}

I actually quite like the idea of a first and second outcome. I frequently do that on my own, since nothing really "concludes" and there is just one series of events after another.


(The fun thing about these two different interpretations is that they come out the same more often than I would have expected.)

That's an interesting observation. I'll have to pay attention to that in the future.


Yes, I also find that position confusing. I generally read it as 'best possible outcome', but sometimes what the querent aspires to but may not attain.

Good to know it's not just me :)