Majors-only, or almost...


So, being reminded a bit again about my majors only mix-deck project, and getting closer to having a true different deck for each card...

Well, I am planning to start working with this, probably as a deck of the week at some point, and got to thinking...see, I don't actually HAVE any majors only decks. I tend to be biased towards full 78... so havent tried reading with just those, or anything less than 78 actually...

For those who have worked with majors only best for you? As opposed to say, Majors + Aces, or Majors + Courts, or such-like? I know a few people who have deliberately removed some less than stellar minors from decks to use as majors only/almost majors only, and I guess wondering...

anyone have any experiences/opinions?


I work with both majors only and full decks. Nothing in between.

With my majors only, or decks where I only like the majors or the minors are just pips, I use them for predictions. I don't know why, that's just how it works for me.

With full decks I do more normal readings, looking into solutions, relationship readings, etc. Really anything that isn't prediction based.

This is not to say that my "normal" readings don't show outcomes.

Anyway, when I read at events I make sure to have at least one deck of each.


I also either use Majors-only or the full deck. Too me Majors plus Aces might work, I can't see Majors plus Courts. I like Majors-only decks, have quite a few and often use them for readings. I have never just pulled the Majors out of a 78 card deck, not sure why, just haven't.


I've always wondered what people do with 22-card decks. I find the whole idea of them simultaneously compelling and useless. Not sure what to think.


only majors is more exact but u gotta get used to them when you switch from 78 cuz they will have to cover meanings of minors...
I just heard somewhere that minors are basically advanced majors in various scenarios... to each minor you could connect 1 major...
I dont see how majors could be any less precise since you have decks like biedermeyer and lenormand using only 32-36 cards and they are pretty much more precise than full 78 deck....
full 78 deck is very psychological imo...

regarding majors plus something... i assume u can try different combinations yourself and see what works best for you.... there are some decks which are mixes of majors and minors having about 50-60 cards so u might wanna check them out as well...


Majors only decks are very good for 1 or 2 card draws, especially about big questions.

Here's an older thread that's good, especially Umbrae's post.

I know he later developed his Window-Door spread, which he suggests using with majors only as well. Can't seem to find a thread on it, but here it is:

1. The Window: This is what we see. What the universe is offering us. This is
what we can get.
2. The Door: What you have to do to get it.


Majors only decks are very good for 1 or 2 card draws, especially about big questions.

Here's an older thread that's good, especially Umbrae's post.

Oh, wow. I feel like I'm entering a whole new zone here, and it's awesome. Thank you for that link! I'm definitely going to do more reading about this.

(I have lots more experience with minors-only, since I taught myself on playing cards. Doing some studies on majors only will probably be highly beneficial in balancing it out. :))