Who Represents Us Poor Sods


In other thread about Iconology a poster........
As I'm watching at this moment the doc "Inside Job" I can only think of Le Bateuleur represented in the bankers, insurance CEOs, and all of those 1% (apropo number) who are at the top of financial decision-making while screwing 30m people. These guys are the ultimate Bateuleur - working on deception, manipulation, and twisting laws, regulation, cooking books, hiding their deals from the public in a "blatant disregard on the impact that they have" on the society and economy. And I think the lawyers that participated in this massive swindle are the tools on Bateuleur's table.
and also this.........

Now my turn: I wonder who may represent the 99% or the population that was deceived/enslaved by Bateuleur+Diable, and is now facing homelessness and material downfall? When the population entered in an agreement with financial system, they were Le Mat, but now, as the people are aware of the deception, where are they, and what card represents their plight and actual condition?

Now instead of considering Tarot as a selfward looking tool - as in ie Does he Love me? will I get the Job? How about some outward discussion?

It is my opinion that financial mess we are in through the ruthless Bateleur actions of a few was a Tower moment governing the Pair Temperance and the Devil.
Very Valid question:
what card represents their plight and actual condition?(us poor sods who were able to be deceived)
I hope the poster comes in and continues the interesting conversation.....



Mostly the fool. The 5 and 8 of cups, the dreamer. The 4 of coins, the I want it all, crap on anyone else person.

I don't know how things are managed in New Zealand, but the blame isn't all on the muckeymucks here. People have a responsibility to be good stewards of their income and expenses. I know a LOT of people who have walked away from or been evicted from their homes, and they had bought houses that were above their income. Yes, someone told them they could afford it, but they should have known better.

And what possesses people to use a credit card for things they don't need? A treat once in awhile. Sure. But 10's of 1000's of dollars worth of ''stuff"?

Didn't they read their contracts? Did they not take the time to understand how interest compounds? What balloon payments are? What use it up and wear it out means?
It has been a wake up call in my opinion for a nanny nation gone mad.
And yes, I hope the idiots at the top skimming get their version of burning in hell.
But you can't lay much of the blame there. You can only have done to you what you willing allow.


are you talking about the global crisis in 2008? because that wasnt the fault of few people as everybody says...
if u dont mean global crisis, can you provide link to the article which talks about the topic u mention here, pls?


I would go for Le Fou as being the somewhat helpless and hopeless person who is a pigeon ripe for the plucking, and believes what is said by the Bateleur. (Believing the professional advice every time ....). He doesn't have the nous to see through the con and falls for it and what's more he wants to - a willing mark for any con! And also I think we are represented in large part by L'Amoureux - except that in this case we wilfully chose the wrong option and went for gratification, personal pleasure etc. above personal responsibility.


In the Marseille-type decks--the Hanged Man and the Devil, a person in trouble and in thrall. Maybe also the Wheel of Fortune--bad luck you weren't born into the Royal family.