Shadowscapes experiment


I was going through a not buying tarot decks depression so I went to my local bookstore to see what they had in stock that was on my wishlist, I went with Shadowscapes. Initally it wasn't on my list, but I saw some readings with it here and quickly added it to my list. Gonna have to sell some of my others I don't jive with to complete my wishlist. But anyway, in the first few pages of the introduction, Barbara Moore writes..."To simply look at a picture and say what it means is something children do all the time, but adults seem to struggle with it, as if afraid to "get it wrong."

I have a 6 year old who LOVES to look at my cards and many times, I'll ask him what do you think that means? He generally has a good idea and an interesting way of saying it. I've decided to do that with this deck before I study and read with it. I'm going to go through the cards one by one and ask him to describe the scene to me and if he says anything interesting, I'll post it. Children as so intuitive, I think it will be interesting.

Do any of you have children who are interesting in the Tarot?


My kid is too young for this (2), but I think it's a lovely idea. Sounds like a nice way to share Tarot with your kid while learning from them!

Jenlah R.


I too own the Shadowscapes Tarot, I have grown quite fond of them. I have quite a few tarot decks and this is the first that seems to resonate with me well, I asked my Pendulum if I should use the LWB that comes with it and it told me No. I have been using them Intuitively only and I really <3 what they have to offer :D

Puisun Kanna

Beautiful deck!

Two of my children have liked to look at the decks...and my youngest is beginning to ask me to teach her.

It would be great if you post what your son sees in them.


My son is 8 and wants his own deck now. He is desperate for the fan-made Harry Potter deck. My daughter is 18 months, but likes to look at the pictures. My son is very good at telling stories from the pictures. It's so much fun to listen to him.