when tarot readings seems to answer a different question


Hello everyone. I am wondering if or how often you find that the cards answer a slightly different question to the one posed. I have had this happen a couple of times recently. One example was really clear to me. Our Head is leaving our school and my friend and I did a reading about what the energies were around the next head, in terms of who would be appointed. But the reading was so clearly about our current head and her feelings about leaving and the situation around that. On another reading this too happened. I asked a question around a person on an issue but felt strongly that what I was seeing was about another dimension of her life. I wonder if that happens often and if this is the case what do you then do about it? Ask another question/rephrase or, as I did, just accept that the cards are telling you what is most strongly the issue at that moment?

Stark Raven

Hello everyone. I am wondering if or how often you find that the cards answer a slightly different question to the one posed. I have had this happen a couple of times recently. One example was really clear to me. Our Head is leaving our school and my friend and I did a reading about what the energies were around the next head, in terms of who would be appointed. But the reading was so clearly about our current head and her feelings about leaving and the situation around that. On another reading this too happened. I asked a question around a person on an issue but felt strongly that what I was seeing was about another dimension of her life. I wonder if that happens often and if this is the case what do you then do about it? Ask another question/rephrase or, as I did, just accept that the cards are telling you what is most strongly the issue at that moment?

I have had it happen that this seemed to be the case, but believe that it's actually missing a deeper meaning or somehow not being clear enough in how the question was asked. Or possibly an unknown energy interference, such as not being focused enough while shuffling. For me, if I'd encounter that now, I would dismiss it and assume I had missed the actual intent of the message somehow. It appears to me that if the cards aren't read in the context the question was asked, the message means little or nothing.

However, that said, the cards sometimes will jump to telling you something more important, more relevant to the question than what was actually asked. In such a case, it is often logical to further investigate the topic that was presented to access the core of the matter. My guess is that it was something like this that you encountered.


Thanks. That is exactly what i thought. I felt it strongly that the cards were pointing me to something more important on a related issue but not the specific one I'd questioned and that, in itself, was interesting. Thanks for your reply.


I have had this happen to me, too. I was doing a reading for someone about their relationship, but as I was writing it up to send them I felt that it was describing MY relationship. I ended up waiting a day or two and re-did their reading and got 'their' results. {After all - WHO was shuffling the cards? They or I?}


I was doing a study reading (reading about something that happened in the past, so as to get the benefit of hindsight without the wait) just for learning purposes, and I got cards that were CLEARLY about the previous question that I did, the one more emotionally important to me. I hate that this can/does happen, but if I know it to be the case, then I can prepare for it ... right? Sort of :)


The best thing is to listen to your instincts if they are strong enough and not try to read anything into something which doesn't feel right. And our own influences can dominate as you say. It is like Tarot wants to tell you something, the most significant energy of the moment and it might not be wholly related to the question you want to ask sometimes. It is also confusing when doing a reading about two people and the energies around their relationship as one can dominate - I mean no two people feel the same - so the other might be surprised by the reading. But I am glad I asked the question