Manipulating tarot to read a certain way

Raven Jeckel

Can a person you are reading be so manipulative to the point to were they actually can manipulate your cards to read the way they want them too? say for example you're doing a reading for a negative person who wants to hear bad things, can they use their energy to get the reading they want? Or even a person who doesn't want to hear anything bad, can they make it to were they only get good stuff. on both cases can your cards be manipulated so bad to the point were your whole reading ends up being a lie? the reason i ask all this is the person i recently gave a reading to only wanted to hear negativity and they made all my interpretations into negative things.


They aren't manipulating the cards; they are simply hearing only what they want to hear and reinterpreting what you say as they choose. Just like someone who wants to hear that the person they fancy is deeply in love with them. You can read the cards and find that he isn't interested - but the message that kind of sitter will take away is that he is SO ! Same thing with a doctor telling a patient that he has cancer. If he doesn't choose to hear that, he will go away "believing" that he's fine.

Some readers get around this by writing down what they see in the cards, so that when the sitter goes home in denial, they can look at the paper and remind themselves. They probably won't bother, but it means they cannot say you said what you didn't say !

You say yourself the sitter "made all [your] interpretations into negative things". You didn't. The cards didn't. Your sitter did.


Personaly I think it's doable to take over the cards and manipulate them. It's not just querents who do it but ourselves too. When we're upset per example, some tend to come up with cards of disasters confirming their worst fears but it won't be true. When you face such individuals, it's always best to not let them handle the cards at all.

One good example would be a friend who was moving from her place. She liked the place and didn't want to move at all but had no other choice. She was in such denial of this sitation that for months, no matter which decks used (tarot and oracles), there was no move in the cards at all. She ended up moving anyway.


Now that is a coincidence, an old story popped into my mind yesterday and I was thinking about the power of expectations. I had, many years ago, a particularly determined friend who was driven by her own expectations of others. I was at her house one day and saw she had a new piano. I was looking at it, probably making some admiring comments and she abruptly said "Play something for me". I was surprised and replied that I didn't play. She looked at me fiercely and said "Of course you can". Now I am not a weak-minded person, but for a second I was so overcome by her belief that I actually sat on the bench before I finally said bemusedly that really, I couldn't play. For just a few seconds her fierce belief actually shifted my mind-set into thinking that I could. But of course reality shifted it back.

Now whether a person can manipulate the cards themselves, I couldn't say, but they could manipulate the reader, if only for the brief period of the reading.


You have a deck with 78 World cards and someone manages to give you a negative reading. That is the reader, not the cards!


Can a person you are reading be so manipulative to the point to were they actually can manipulate your cards to read the way they want them too? say for example you're doing a reading for a negative person who wants to hear bad things, can they use their energy to get the reading they want? Or even a person who doesn't want to hear anything bad, can they make it to were they only get good stuff. on both cases can your cards be manipulated so bad to the point were your whole reading ends up being a lie? the reason i ask all this is the person i recently gave a reading to only wanted to hear negativity and they made all my interpretations into negative things.

My anwer os no. The energy of the querent does not affect my cards. And anyway I do not try to or connect to the energy of the querent at all during a reading. I do my best to connect to the energy of the Divine and it is my believe that that is what happens when I read.

For me, in the case you mentioned, what would be most likely to happen is that the cards would tell the querent outrigtht that they are wanting to hear unhappy things but that is not the reality of the situatiuon and here the reality....Then my cards would most likely ask the querent to look at WHY they enjoy hgearing unpleasant things and to suggest a few ways to heal that so they can live a happier life.

That is how the cards tend to work for me. They do oftentimes answer more than the question asked. And they do all they can to help the querent even if they do not consciously as for that help.

That is how my cards tend to read for me anyway, Cards would most likley come up to help the querent see that they are embrascing negativity and to see why and to think on if that is truly making them happy and if not on how to heal it.

If the person was really negative enough, the cards may just ignore the issue they asked about and talk to them only about that. The powers that be that answer us through the cards might just feel that this issue is more important than what they originally asked and just ingore the oriiginal question to focus on this instead.

So that is, in my expereinece, how it tends to work for me,

As for that perosn you did a reading for, they just were not ready to hear the truth yet. That happens, sometiems people ask, but are not ready to hear or believe the truth. Some people come to us only wanting confirmation of what they already believe. Some are too scared to rislk believinv in something good because they fear letting go and beleiveing and the pain tha tmight follow if they were wrong.

For whatever reason , that person was not ready to hear the truth. The best we can do in that case is to hope that we got through on some level and that one day when they are reading to have more faith in life that they wikll rememver what you told them and that it will touch them then,. Or even that what you told them may help break down their resistence in some way and helo them get back to a happier place.


So - SunChariot - you are one of those readers that does not let the Querent shuffle their own cards? You ask their question and you shuffle and they never touch them at all? Not even to cut the deck?


I say that yes, a sitter can hear things in such a way to make them more negative than the reader is saying, and they can give feedback in such a way that it could cause the reader to lean more negatively than if they had received no feedback at all. I have had sets of cards that were very unclear to me, at the time, as to whether or not things should have been interpreted more positively or more negatively. I think the cards have enough flexibility within themselves that, unless you're doing a single card reading, there is a lot of play back and forth that it's very depending on the surrounding cards and your intuition. Getting negative feedback can influence the latter, esp if the client is making you uncomfortable and thus throwing you off.


So - SunChariot - you are one of those readers that does not let the Querent shuffle their own cards? You ask their question and you shuffle and they never touch them at all? Not even to cut the deck?

I think she has said she only reads online, never face to face


So - SunChariot - you are one of those readers that does not let the Querent shuffle their own cards? You ask their question and you shuffle and they never touch them at all? Not even to cut the deck?

Actually, in reality, I am one of those readers who never reads in person. LOL

But it is true that I am no comfortable wtih anyone else touching my decks. There is only one other person who I ever let touch my decks at all and that was an AT member who I met up with in person and I trusted her to have the proper respect and have only positive vibes. If she is reading this now she knows who she is. :grin:

Other that that IF I did read in person, I still would not be comfortable I am sure with anyone else touching my cards. The most I might do is to ask the to tell me when the wanted me to stop shuffling or to point to the card that they wanted me to pick. But then I don't think I would even do that, as to me the energy of the reading is between myeslf and the unvierse and I am the one who needs to feel what that energy is telling me.

The way I personally read is not condusive to reading with anyone else nearby or in the room, That would distrupt my concentration. But I still do not think i would let the querent touch the cards and it is not theire energy I want to connect to anyway.
