present moment readings


Here is a question for you.

What kinds of present momenmt readlings can we do that can help us improve our lives and help us feel happier and more fulfilled. Any ideas ofd questions or topics that we can ask about in relation to where we are currenlty in our lives that can help us do that.

I'd love to hear any you have tried that have worked well, or just any suggestions.

thanks :heart:



I used to draw an advice card. Like "Do you have any advice for me today?" XD

One time I drew like... 9/Wands reversed, or was it the Knight/Wands reversed? Anyhow, it was Shadowscapes, so it had a guy riding a creature, and it was upside down. I was clueless about what it could have been about. Well when I went on the bus that morning, the entire bus stopped moving because of some problem with the bus itself. XD I was like BINGO! I got it! But as I was gleefully thinking, everyone else in the bus was all around grim, cursing at the bus for haulting. I was thinking... well at least I was warned. XD

Well I stopped drawing it daily because it could be advice about anything, so I usually ask more specific questions now. But I like doing spreads, or just like talking to my decks if I feel overly chit-chatty XD

Hope that helps :)