Llewellyn Complete Book of Astrology


Hesitation . . .

I hesitate to reccommend this book, not because it doesn't live up to much of it's title (in terms of a general scope of common astrological practice --- I've looked at it but don't choose to have it on my shelf), but because I'm not sure just how interested you are in astrology.

On this list I find some who have a five-minute focus. It takes some time and effort to just conduct a brief review of what early-studies students encounter --- natal charts. Skimming over pages and instructions of how to calculate a chart, or reading a half-chapter on how to interprete a chart just will not suffice.

Some curious people have the ability to commit themselves to some heavy reading over a couple of weeks, plus the willingness to engage in a little light math and the processes needed to calculate a chart with a computer. Once you get to doing some simple interpretive work such as collecting and stringing together paragraphs out of a "cook book" the fun really starts. One or two chart and you are hooked.

The issue is, which of these two categories does one fall into?

Once, or if, you get hooked, you'll be doing a lot of charts, buying books, etc. Be prepared as there is an infinite world of applications within astrology to explore. Dave


Erm... basically I want to know about the Sun Sign Zodiac characteristics, and planetary characteristics. I want to know how they Interact, compiment, or de-compliment each other. This much is mandatory in a reference.
I want to know more about Moon Signs. I want to know about Houses and retrogrades.
I want to know what the *blank* Cherion is, what the earlier astrologers were talking about by "prime mover". Why Pluto is no longer a planet.
And bonus points for brief overviews of other astrological systems, ie. Chinese.

ETA: ...I have since discovered that Chiron is a asteroid/minor planet/comet. And that Primius Mobile is in reference to Pluto (as I suspected). Funny how Pluto wasn't considered a planet to the ancients, then when "properly" discovered it became a planet, and now, after years of study it was demoted back to a non-planet. I'm always amused when ancient ideas sometimes supercede recent technology. XD