CRE thread~ Chronata and Frac_ture


I am opening our thread, and really looking forward to this study!

I'll be back later with the questions/concerns that I need help with as I have a few, and I need to narrow it down!


Hi, Chronata -- thanks so much for launching our thread! I'll be doing the exact same narrowing down of questions that you mentioned, and will be back later myself, with a streamlined query for you. I'm looking forward to the exchange, too, which should be really informative, and fun, too!



Ok...I figured it out...lately I have been experiencing depression/apathy about my work and my life, and so I need something(or a combination) that would get me

and excited(inspired?)

Is that too much...should I narrow it down a bit more, do you think?

Really it's about how to feel like anything I am doing is worth it, I want to spend time working and doing art again, and not laying all day in bed.

I am eagerly awaiting your suggestion, and your questions as well!


Okay, I have a few minutes in which to sit down and type here -- sweet!

So I don't think you need to narrow down your question any more than what you wrote, to be honest. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I come away from this post feeling that you're basically talking about one, fairly large, overall problem -- namely, this depression/apathy you mention (and I'm sorry you're dealing with that!) -- and it's manifesting in multiple areas of your life. Multiple manifestations aside, though, I think it's one main issue, and we can do the exchange so as to address it (in a maybe oversimplified analogy, we can exchange about the condition itself, rather than its various symptoms -- does that phrasing work?). Please let me know if that approach will be cool with you, and if not, we can change it, no worries...

As for me... I was struck with a question having to do with my own...not apathy or depression, but disappointment, I guess, that when it comes to me trying to work with certain things in the metaphysical realms -- things like certain guides, certain crystals, certain divinatory methods, certain Tarot decks -- I come up totally empty. I get nothing at all from them. Others seem to sing like birds, but certain particular things seem either completely unresponsive, or they're responding in a fashion so subtle, that it's not consciously registering with me. So with all that in mind, my question for this exchange is: "What crystal(s), and what methods of working with them, would you recommend I try in order to see if I can increase my connections with these 'unresponsive' guides/crystals/divinatory methods/decks/etc.?"

Hopefully that made sense...? ;) If not, please let me know, and I can try to rephrase.

(sidenote: I also realize that some of these metaphysical elements may not seem to be "talking" to me very much as of yet simply because they have nothing meaningful to offer up for me at this time...but I guess I'm just asking for your take on which crystals might be able to help solidify any such connections that *could* be more fruitful now, but aren't fully firing for whatever reason)

Looking forward to working with you on this, Chronata!


I totally understand where you are coming from Frac ture!

The idea of why some of these things, or methods leave you cold, and why you can't connect to get the meaningful messages you seek.

I have been there.

Ok...I am going to pose your question to my guides tonight. They have been rather helpful in the crystal department lately (although, sadly mostly it's help for everyone else, and not for me)

And I will see what we can come up with for you!


Sounds great -- thanks so much! It sounds like you totally get what I was trying to ask...:)

I'm sorry you've been so able to help/heal others lately, but not yourself! I can sympathize, and I know others who've been in the same boat of late. It's my sincere hope that this exchange can prove to be an instance of someone else (ie., me!) being able to direct some positive energy your way, and maybe break the current pattern a bit!

Thanks for working on my own question so quickly. And by the way, none of this is to sound like I'm not grateful for the awesome messages and guidance that I *have* been getting from other sources -- I've been getting some truly outstanding stuff, no question! -- but there are just these few stubborn elements that I had thought would be phenomenal connections for me, but so far...nuthin'... Your help will be very much appreciated!

I have something happening tonight, but I'll jump on my part in sending you my best crystal thoughts/suggestions ASAP, hopefully tomorrow. Pondering your question and situation overnight might be a good thing anyway...more soon, though!!


Ok. I will preface this by saying that in a very round about way, I think I have discovered a crystal energy for you.
It is exactly the opposite of what I thought you would need, so hopefully my guides know a lot more about this than I do.

And of course, my guides couldn't, you know, make it easy for me to discover. Did I mention my guides are mostly trickster entities?

Here's what happened last night.
I meditated before going to bed. I focused on your user name and avatar, and posed your question, and asked my guides to give me insight into a crystal energy that would help this situation.
I got nothing, so I did a crossword then went to sleep.

At 3 in the morning I had a dream, that I immediately woke from and wrote down all the symbolism.

They were giving me the crystal...but not directly, more like a symbolic rebus puzzle.

(and to be clear, when I have "psychic" stuff happen during tarot readings, more often than not it occurs the same symbols. I just expected this to be clearer than mud, like most of my dreams about stones!)

This is the stream of symbols....

Yellow striped cat...with wide eyes, sea...branch coral on hook...wiggling....turns into stylized in water....spiral...triangle

The mostly likely candidate from all these clues is

Red Tiger's Eye (which is also known as dragon eye or ox eye)

But I can't rule out three other possibilities that also occurred to me...

Cat's eye shell
Red Corral
Fire opal

If any of these seem to excite you, then I would say go with them. And as far as how to work with the crystal...right now, it appears to be simply a matter of acquiring a piece.

Here's the thing....I was expecting something more...I Something that worked with third eye and throat chakras, or enhanced communication with Spirit...something like celestite or lapis...

but no, apparently you need something red with it's own cat's eye fire, in water.

I did look it up, and found that Red tiger's eye does have a few properties that may relate to your connection concerns...

1.It helps to crystallize and focus disparate thoughts or energies. It works to turn amorphous ideas or dreams into something solid and real.
(this makes sense to taking ideas and connections that are subtle and focusing them into ones that work)

2.And it's for patience.(it might be that some of these unresponsive methods work better through a gateway you haven't crossed yet)

3.And for determination, and relying on one's own skills and talents.
(or this could be a suggestion that some of these metaphysical methods aren't for you, and you need to rely on what does work?)

I'm hoping that the guides aren't full of crap, and that this somehow makes sense to you. It doesn't make as much sense to me...but then I haven't done all the research yet!

I also think there is more insight coming...I think there are methods with how to use this stone that haven't been revealed to me yet.

But hopefully this is a place to start!


Hi, Chronata! Thanks so much for such a terrific post! I need to keep this short for the moment -- my internet connection mysteriously died on me this morning, so I'm borrowing time briefly on my neighbor's set-up so I can at least post a quick reply for now -- but I wanted to let you know that everything you said makes sense to me, and I do have a great piece of Red Tiger's Eye that I can use for the duration of the exchange. I'm working on a more full-blown, detailed, and proper response to you that I'll post either tonight or tomorrow, with apologies for the delay, and I'm also writing up my own suggested stone for you (including the why of the selection, and a whole bunch of possible suggested methods for using it -- it was like I got a big download for you!).

Again, I'm really sorry I can't get everything posted sooner, but this should hopefully be no more than a day's delay beyond what I'd thought my turnaround time would be.

More very soon -- and thanks again for a fantastic first volley in the exchange!


Awesome! I am really glad the red tiger's eye makes sense to you!

And I look forward to see what you have discovered!


Hi, chronata! Okay, I'm back online, at least for the moment, and I have both my response to your initial exchange post and my own initial post for you all composed now. I'll put up the first here, and then will post my own initial salvo of exchange stuff for you in its own separate entry to follow on the heels of this one...

So, yes, the Red Tiger's Eye thing makes perfect sense to me, as does the way in which it came to you! I actually seem to get almost all of my own metaphysical input in the form of symbols, too, and they do come in dreams when they want to, so I totally grasp the entire “download” kind of experience you described. I was completely intrigued by the symbols you listed, too. Of the various stones you listed, the Red Tiger's Eye jumped right out at me as a great possible candidate for this – not only do I have a cool palmstone piece not yet specifically dedicated to any other purpose, but it sort of just feels like a good choice here. Also, I don't currently own any of the other items you named (although I do like both Red Coral and Fire Opal, and may pick some up in the future...).

So I did bust out my Red Tiger's Eye immediately after reading your post yesterday (sidenote: I never knew it was called either Dragon Eye or Ox Eye – I knew Blue Tiger's Eye is sometimes referred to as Hawk's Eye, but these names for the Red variety are new to me). I carried it in my pocket last night, and I slept with it under my pillow...and guess what? I had a dream I'm sure is related to all of this...

It was one of those dreams that was very vivid while I was dreaming it, but whose details almost entirely evaporated the moment I woke up and opened my eyes. What I did retain, though, seems very on-point! The gist of it is that I was working with some mentor-type figure in the dream, and the aim of the work was to strengthen my connection to my own “psychic powers” (this was the exact phrase we kept using in the dream), with a basic underlying assumption in the dream being that I do have such psychic powers (which: awesome!). Also, in this dream, I was wearing a sort of vibrant green color, which I know isn't the color you saw in your own dream, but which did feel very much like a direct symbol of something new and growing and vital...which is the goal we've been discussing here, right? That is, getting these seemingly dormant connections and sources to “activate,” if that's the right word, and get more vibrant themselves... So I took this to be an indicator that things may already be stirring...

Also, Red Tiger's Eye (the Red subset even more than the other varieties) has always seemed to me like one of those stones that serves as an energy it occurred to me that maybe the quiet connections I was asking about are possibly there, but given all the other ones I'm addressing at the same time, maybe I don't have enough juice of my own to power everything by if something's gotta give, then maybe due to pure math and finite resources and all, some of the connections simply aren't powered enough to be fully active and heard by me (yet...). It makes at least some logical sense to me that maybe the Red Tiger's Eye is meant to act as a sort of supplementary power source that can help me to “prime the pump” or “jumpstart the battery” or whatever other metaphor applies, with respect to these other connections. So for now, that's my own take, and I'll work with the Red Tiger's Eye for the duration of our exchange, and will keep you posted. Thanks again for the recommendation, and please do let me know if you get anything else.

Meanwhile, I'll next post my own exchange thoughts for you regarding your question...