Going to Afghanistan for a year what decks do I bring?


Hello All,

You know how we always have these discussions about if you were going to be stuck on a island what deck, book and that jazz would you want to have?
Well I will be in Afghanistan end of month assuming I pass a background check I have a IT job at a undisclosed military base with very , very limited space.

I am thinking a few books on path-working and some more books on the more esoteric side of things with a RWS, Thoth, and my true fine love Druid craft deck .


Sounds like a good start.

Why not stand in front of your collection, pretend you've just come back after a year away, and see which decks/books make tears come to your eyes as you recognise old friends?


Hey CB - that's a long time away from the Trains :laugh:

I'd take a comfort deck, a "stretch" deck or two, a fun deck and a deck I found to be really straight talking in case I needed a firm talking-to.

And I'd get an e-reader and take several thousand books!


Ummm, well the first two things I'd pack are the pocket edition of the BB and 12&12 ;)

But then besides that, take a couple of deck/book sets you're new to. The Wildwood comes to mind if you like the Druidcraft. Wildwood is different but sort of the same lines. You like science fiction and fantasy so how about the Dark Grimoire by Lo Scarabeo? There's no book with it and the LWB tells the least of any LS LWB I've ever seen but a book of a collection of Lovecraft stories in it would be a great accompaniment to the deck. Amazon links never take you to the right place, so I won't use one but go to the Amazon website and cut and paste Necronomicon: The Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (GollanczF.) into your search blank. It's a really fat book of Lovecraft stories in a nice hardcover binding. I'm getting that one myself as soon as I have a little more money.

And then take the one or two decks you're most familiar and comfortable with and a couple of books on the philosophy of Tarot. That's all I'd need to take if it were me.

And be careful over there! :heart:


Ummm, well the first two things I'd pack are the pocket edition of the BB and 12&12 ;)
I love those pocket editions!:D

CoyoteBlack, I think you have a good start with what you've chosen, and like the suggestions of the others so far. My only advice would be to take decks that would be replaceable in case they are somehow lost or damaged in transit. Be safe.:heart:


I guess choose the books that it makes your heart sink to consider not having them available. They will probably be the most worn-out looking ones in your collection. Then maybe take a good solid traditional deck (whichever tradition you prefer--RWS, Thoth, TdM, etc), a challenging deck that you've been meaning to study but haven't got around to yet --with guidebook!--and then your favourite reading pal.


Ummm, well the first two things I'd pack are the pocket edition of the BB and 12&12

I figured i would bring a larhe versions as I will need them f I cant find a mtg.

Thank you all for the advice, I almost forgot about the lo scarabao deck. and my e reader is broke so i must buy a new one when i get there. I wonder of they have decks in country over there, if you I would have a starring place in the next train.


I don't know if they'd have decks there. For some reason, I really doubt it. Better take what you want when you go. Will you have internet when you get there? Be sure to keep in touch with all of us here at AT if so. :)


Thanks all,

grizabela part of what I am doing is supporting the communications network and IT environment so I assume i will have some Internet but it will be monitored.