Dealing Them Out


I have a glitch with the way I've been cutting and dealing out my cards.

Usually, I'll hold the deck loosely in my hand and let it cut itself, catching the remainder of the deck with my other hand, then I'll shuffle the two together, when that's done I'll pull the card at the top. So basically I let the deck cut itself.

Now I can't do that because most of the decks I have... WELL... They haven't been cut right by the manufacturer. The decks will cut at the same friggin' cards over and over.

"RiotEyes," you might say, "There isn't such a thing as a perfectly cut deck." I don't know about that but my Radiant RWS doesn't have the problem the other decks are having. I've tried getting them replaced, but they're still defective in one way or another and honestly I'm tired of trying to get a deck that isn't faulty.

So I was wondering how you guys do it? I've tried fanning them out and choosing them but it didn't feel right.


Well, why not just change your cutting method? It's not such a huge thing to change. Decks aren't necessarily defective just because of the way they're differing from your other deck you like better when you cut them. If I were you, I'd just start cutting them another way.


I put the deck face down on the table, and cut by lifting a few, and cut again by lifting another few and making little heaps of cards. I read whichever of the three (sometimes more) piles that yells "me, me".


I cut the same way you've described and have never had an issue with it. If I did I probably would still cut in much the same way but let my intuition guide me as to where the cuts should be.


Decks aren't necessarily defective just because of the way they're differing from your other deck you like better when you cut them.

The Radiant is the only one that's cut precisely is what I meant. The others... Not. At. All.


I have a glitch with the way I've been cutting and dealing out my cards.

Usually, I'll hold the deck loosely in my hand and let it cut itself, catching the remainder of the deck with my other hand, then I'll shuffle the two together, when that's done I'll pull the card at the top. So basically I let the deck cut itself.
So I was wondering how you guys do it? I've tried fanning them out and choosing them but it didn't feel right.
I have well over 100 decks, and they all are cut evenly. They all "cut" themselves using a method very similar to yours.

Shuffle for a while, doesn't matter which deck. Tell your mind that all the nercessary cards will be presented in order on top (or in reverse order on the bottom, if you prefer).

Or cut the deck by holding the deck lightly between the fingers just above the table, and allowing the bottom portion to drop on the table. This way, the way most of my clients use, seems to allow the deck to decide which card to cut at, also.