not being able to read some decks with EDs


A thought just flashed through my mind today, in that I have never been able to read my Casanova deck with EDs. It has never crossed my mind. I may think a card may show more negative qualities than I normally attribute, but that's it. I can't see them as ill-dignified or anything else. And what's also odd to me, is that I can read better with this deck than any other that I have had.

Is it possible that some decks don't lend themselves to be read with EDs ?



What's ED?


I'm guessing you mean Elemental Dignitaries? If that's correct, I would imagine that systems like this matter much less when you are working with a deck with fully illustrated pips. Or, I could be wrong. It looks like the Cassanova Tarot has "plenty on it's mind," though.

Also, if you're getting good results with it now, no reason to worry!