Do you ever 'drink and read'?

Tarot by G

Alcohol that is:)

I like to have a glass of wine with dinner or whilst cooking, so I don't drink to get drunk, I drink to chill or unwind, and not everyday either.

I had a visitor last night who asked me to read for her but I declined because I had a glass of wine.

Do you do it? I don't know why I said no I just figured you shouldn't read under any influence. I was reading an old (2005) thread on here and saw that some people read better on a few! :)

Just curious? Do you? Have you? Should you? Shouldn't you?


If it's small amounts then no problem (although some of the biggest laughs I've ever had were when a friend and I played with the cards when completely drunk!).

I do however, smoke and read, it expands my mind. :)
But again, in moderation. Whatever you enjoy, getting too wasted to read and then trying to isn't the real goal.


I drink with my cards and I go to sleep with them and we'll make eachother so happy.


A glass or two, not a problem, assuming I am not too tired then. It all depends on how I feel, though, and as I can be completely un-drunk even after sharing several cokes with someone, I could probably read then, too.

Just didn't come up yet, as I usually don't have people with me who want their cards read when I'm drinking.


I never read when I drink. I like to have a clear head and an unadulterated reading.


No drink for me.

But when I have a glass of something I always want to pick up my cards for some reason?!


If you think of it then you should try it. I have found that reading after 2 glasses of wine has helped me from being so nervous when reading infront of other people.


I was sober for about 15 years when I took up Tarot so I haven't had an issue with drinking while reading---or reading while drinking. Before I got sober, I had to be drunk to do much of anything so if I had started back then, I would certainly have combined the two.


Oh yes! Tarot and Chartreuse are long time friends. But, everything in moderation, of course.


I would never drink more than a glass of wine before reading for someone. I don't feel like it's responsible to do so as I take my cards really seriously and respect what I'm doing for them. But....................

Something I HAVE noticed is that I have had some of the BEST psychic readings that occured out of the blue after I've had a few glassed too many. This has usually been with strangers at parties where reading someone's life was never even considered. For example, one evening I was relaxing in a jacuzzi at a resort, strangers hanging around, people were indulging in cocktails and socializing. I had drank more than I probably should have but was enjoying myself when a guy got in the hot tub with us. For some reason I was able to shock the heck out of this guy by telling him his whole life story when I had never met him before. He even began to cry. For lack of other words, I was trashed but somehow that part of me at that time was crystal clear. He wasn't buzzed at all being that he had just got there. This has happened to me a few times.

So personally I think that if the value of the gift is needed, it will be there regardless of how many drinks are had. That is of course unless you are so wasted that you can't talk! :D