New to the forum... Here are my stones...



I have only just begun collecting.

I am looking now for Peridot, Moldavite, Atlantisite, and Moonstone...


welcome to the forums! very nice collection you have started there. be careful hanging around with us, though...we are highly enabling ;)


WELCOME! Your stones are beautiful. I like your lapis lazuli. :)


Hi MetaphysicalJohn, welcome to the forums, that is a very nice collection :)


Nice collection :)

You may find 'atlantasite' by it's previous name of Stichtite with Serpentine - new age fangled names becoming more common and result in price hikes :)


I knew I had that crystal!!! I have stitchtite with serpentine!! And here I was about to embark on a search for the new fandangled Atlantisite.

Oops, sorry to hijack the thread.

Welcome MPJ, and your collection looks good!


Thank you so much guys... this forum is so wonderful and I look forward to being a long term member!!


Is that Nuumite in the bottom left that is dark with flashes? I have been building a collection of that lately and keep one in my pocket most of the time.


The bottom left is actually blue tourmaline. Directly to the left of sunstone.


The bottom left is actually blue tourmaline. Directly to the left of sunstone.

I was actually meaning the one directly to the left of the green one. Second from the bottom left.