Crystals and Herbs for Creativity and Inspiration


I'm trying hard to get inspiration for my stories that I am currently working on. I was wondering if you can recommend some crystals and/or herbs for creativity and inspiration.


The first thing that springs to mind for me is Carnelian. Actually, any of the stones that resonate with the Sacral Chakra will be beneficial, as that's the chakra that governs not only procreation, but ALL forms of creativity.


I have consulted my books but all I have come up with are Carnelian and Sun stone.

Little Hare

Blue lace agate is brilliant for creativity and writing



my "go to" for artistic creativity is Ruby Zoisite.


I would like to second the "ruby zoesite". I recently acquired one of these in an impulse buy and in a short matter of time of holding it, I was working fairly quickly on a project that required an artistic eye. It was like I'd found a groove instantly, after days of struggling. Good luck to you!


Green Fluorite, green calcite, chrome diopside... I would have imagined :))) more yellow/orange stones, too, but when I checked in on my intuition re fluorite, green fluorite got the nod, and as I searched further, many stones with a quite rich green, both opaque and transparent, came up... Beyond crystals with a defined use in assisting creativity, I like any stone which has interesting fissures, fractures, etc as these readily offer doorways/windows to move through...especially for story-telling, because, if you let them, those fissures and markings will just gift you with their stories :). Travel well :)


One of my favourite crystals is Citrine and I find it really helps with creativity and abundance. I have a passion for digital art and this crystal is one that I always wear of have with me on my desk.