Rainbow Bridge Oracle


I don't browse the oracle forum much so if this has already been mentioned, please excuse me. I thought others might like to know about a deck I just came across called the Rainbow Bridge Oracle. It's a 53 card deck comprised of the major arcana plus extra original cards. The artist is Lauren Raine and you can order the deck from her website. The deck costs $30 plus $10 shipping; not cheap but it is self-published. I'll post an update when the deck I ordered arrives.

The cards are pretty cool. You can check them out on her website.

Tansey Ella

The deck and book are ready. I have been waiting for years for this deck. I am so happy . It is a beautiful deck . I have posted more info about this under the oracle section.

Tansey Ella

I have both the deck and book . It was quite an outlay of money for the book. I wanted the color pictures and all. I hope at some point the author will be able to have this mass printed so it is not so expensive.
The cards are wonderful but somewhat thin. I bent one already. I hate that they are not numbered and are listed in an order in the book but I'm not sure the order means too much. indeed it is NOT a tarot deck . It has some cards in it that are tarot based and it was originally supposed to be a tarot deck .
I do like the deck. There is only one card layout listed but I suppose it could be used with any type layout.
The cards are a little dark at times but so is life. I feel a nonjudgmental compassion when I use the cards. The author most likely is like this. It is a bit of a dark "waking the wild spirit" deck.
Anyway, I thought I'd post this after I had a chance to read with it and get to know the deck.