Magus Deck


Is somebody here, who is working with this?

I've found it on the Aeclectic-website and I like it very much. Unfortunately it is not to be available at this moment, or it costs very much.

Maybe there is somebody here, who can tell about working with. I would be very interested in.



Some time is past. Is there really nobody who works with this deck?

This was the first oracle, which I liked very much. It seems to be so magic, so deep. Sure I never will buy it, but I'm so curious about how it works.


The only thing I know about this deck is what I've seen of the scans here on AT and a few reviews on Amazon:
It seems ridiculously priced there. While I do like the artwork, the little I've read about the deck makes me think I'd need a New Age dictionary to make heads or tails of the meanings. :)


Hello BodhiSeed,

the price is really absurd, I can't imagine, that someone is buying it on this level. Yea, the artwork is wonderful, full of mystery. Maybe the interpretation of the cards is difficult, I don't know, whether I would like this...