Occupational indicators


Hey guys,
I was just wondering what sorts of indicators in a chart would tell what sorts of jobs a person would be happiest doing. I figure that the 10th house and its ruler would play a big role but how exactly would that be read/used? What else in the chart would add to this?


:) Kes

isthmus nekoi

Hm... good question, Kes. I would say that general tempermant would also be a good indicator. For example, does the chart indicate someone who is very independent and needs freedom (strong Uranus, lots of Sag)? Someone who has a strong emphasis on getting along, helping others (weak Mars, strong 7th house, lots of Virgo etc)? I'd also look to the north node placement, however this is not so much about career, but what a person is looking to fulfill in their life.


There are several indicators that you might look at, however you should also consider the chart as a whole to look for supporting skills and abilities.

So before you begin have a look at Ascendant, Sun and Moon, element balance, qualities balance. A strongly Water person may not be keen on a career that involves initiating or lots of analysis. A person with mainly mutable and Cardinal signs be good at initiating and adapting but may not have the staying power for careers that require a considerable qualification and training period. A person who seems to have a strong independent streak may be good at running their own business but may not easily fit into a chain of command in a bureaucracy.

Having formed an impression of the person look at the following:

The tenth House (MC) and it's ruler by sign, house and aspect
Any planets in the tenth or in the ninth but withing 5 - 10 degrees of the MC.
Any planets aspecting the MC

One line of investigation would be the placement of the ruler of the tenth - so if the tenth ruler is in the sixth then you might consider whether the person is suited for a health related profession (though check for other indicators). If the ruler of the tenth is in the seventh then a business partnership might be a possible career.

If business partnership might be involved, look at the ruler of the seventh (which will give information about the partner and relationships with the partner). The eighth also gives an indication of the wealth of the partnership.

Some writers will also draw attention to the sixth, seeing it as ruling routines and day to day work. Originally the sixth ruled slaves, so I suppose we could have it rule wage-slaves but it might be better to see it as ruling employees. This house will tell you something about how a person might manage employees - how they are as a supervisor.

The standard approach of sign, house and aspect will serve well for this analysis, providing that you contextualise the information - does it fit with your reading of the person.


I've been struggling for awhile with career-related issues so I'm very interested in this topic! I can't seem to get anything off the ground, and i'm getting really, really fed up. It's been a tough six months so far, and I don't see my life really going anywhere- call it the post-graduation- i'm- a- failure- already-blues. Add this to my watery-ness, and it's driving me mad. I'll go take a look at all the things you mentioned and see what I can make of all of this.

ETA: I looked at my chart, and in the 10th I have lots of Virgo going on. Mars in Virgo in the 10th, same for Jupiter. Also, it looks like Leo is in my 10th house. With my sun opposing this area of my chart, does that indicate particular conflict?

isthmus nekoi

It could indicate a real tug o war b/w the 4th and 10th. Is your family supportive of you, or did they have ideas that clash w/your own?....

Also, I know the immediate postgrad world is tough. Over half the ppl I know - intelligent, capable, highly skilled ppl (we are talking engineering degrees here) can't find decent work and end up going back to more school (BAH!). So don't be too hard on yourself, you are not alone and definetely not a failure....


Yes, your MC is Leo and your tenth has a Jupiter Mars conjunction in Virgo - the two are very close (twenty minutes apart) and both are retrograde. Neither planet is particularly happy in Virgo (Jupiter is in detriment and Mars is Peregrine). Your challenge therefore is to learn how to focus the energies of these two planets in a way which will further your career.

Mars/Jupiter could be seen as fighting for beliefs, and with your heavy water emphasis you might well think about working for a charity or interest group in which you feel a strong sympathy. Jupiter is sometimes linked to the legal profession but with the planet being retrograde and Mercury also being retrograde in your charts I don't really see this as a way forward. You are more likely to be able to organise and focus after serious contemplation and consideration but that will allow you to harness your emotions and feelings to your career direction. Indeed you need a career outlet where you can let your watery side come through.

The Sun in the fourth doesn't actually oppose your MC but it is in close opposition to the Mars / Jupiter conjunction. Sun / Jupiter tends to be a visionary, someone with a quest in life and Mars would normally give the assertiveness to see it through. Again in your case the retrograde nature of Jupiter and Mars suggests that the quest may be more within yourself. The Sun as ruler of the MC could suggest working from home, working in a family business, being an interior designer (working creatively on homes) or just possibly focusing your creativity on that which is the inner you. The Sun trines your Ascendant, as does your Moon and all three are in Water signs so you have the harmony of feelings and emotions, creative expression and the way in which you interact with the world.


Hmmm...my MC is in Sag. and has Neptune and Mars Conjunct it, and Saturn (darn him!!) in opposition to it.
I also have Mercury and Venus, conjunct, in my 10th house.
So far, my interpretation is this:
Sag. rules travel and higher ed., 2 things I *love*. I am obsessed with traveling the world.
Neptune conj. MC - does this mean I should follow a career where my intuition is used?
Mars conj. MC - I am a loner, or even a "take charge" person (I'm usually a pretty good manager and can delegate well). So my career should enable me to work either alone or above others? Or could it just mean that I like to fight? (as in, political activism - my ASC is Aquarius).
Merc. and Venus conj. in 10th house - I like to write and communicate, and I like making things beautiful. I'm currently trying to get my graphic design career off the ground. Very merc/venus - using computers and technology to design and beautify things.
But, having Saturn opposed, seems like that's the culprit of why I can't ever get ahead in any career. It's like he's down there just waiting to slap me down whenever I start to get ahead. Ugh.


Well you could see Mars / Neptune as fighting for a dream (hope or aspiration), fighting for a cause - fighting for humanity.

Sagittarius is not only associated with higher education and travel but philosophy, religion and the law - so possibles might be as a lawyer for worthy or humanitarian causes, or providing the philosophy, thinking or education to support such causes. Political activism would cetainly be a possible but more from a humanitatarian stance than one involving party politics.

That doesn't quite fit with graphic design, though such skills again might be used in humanitarian causes. Where is Jupiter in your chart?

Mercury/Venus should give you the linguistic and communication skills to support such a career (assuming that they are direct) - are they in Sagittarius or Capricorn?

Saturn in the fourth may simply indicate that there are family demands - family structures, that limit your freedom to follow your chosen career - there may be regular choices between family or home and the need to promote your career - Saturn in the fourth may also represent some form of limitation on your career that involves your father.


Minderwiz said:
Well you could see Mars / Neptune as fighting for a dream (hope or aspiration), fighting for a cause - fighting for humanity.

Sagittarius is not only associated with higher education and travel but philosophy, religion and the law - so possibles might be as a lawyer for worthy or humanitarian causes, or providing the philosophy, thinking or education to support such causes. Political activism would cetainly be a possible but more from a humanitatarian stance than one involving party politics.
I'm totally into this - but there aren't exactly a lot of jobs in that field. At least not in NW Arkansas. I've done a lot of volunteer work in this area, but again, the bills need to be paid...

Where is Jupiter in your chart?
In a stellium with my sun, moon, and Pt. Fortune in Capricorn, 11th house. The book I mentioned in another thread, "Jupiter Signs" by Madaline Aslan, was helpful with understanding Jupiter's placement. But I'm still searching for the meaning/significance of it being conjunct with my eclipse and part of fortune. It seems there should be some important message here I'm just not getting.

Mercury/Venus should give you the linguistic and communication skills to support such a career (assuming that they are direct) - are they in Sagittarius or Capricorn?
Yes - right near the cusp, actually. In Sag.

Saturn in the fourth may simply indicate that there are family demands - family structures, that limit your freedom to follow your chosen career - there may be regular choices between family or home and the need to promote your career
You are not kidding. This seems to be the story of my life. That is one of the things I get radical activist about - is how the capitalist system screws families. You just can't seem to get ahead if you have a family. We get no time off, no allowances for our families.
So, now, am I doomed, or is there something I could do to mitigate Saturn's evil influence?


Hmmmmm...... so Pisces rules my 10th house.... and Jupiter in Aries is in that house.....

Chiron in Sagittarius (Rx) in 6th house.

12th house loaded with Cancer... I am double Cancer..... Mars. Uranus and Sun

My 3rd house is loaded too....Moon, Saturn and Venus in Virgo

(4th.... Neptune in Libra; Mercury in Leo in 1st)

I am multitalented.... writer, artist, speaker, computer literate up the wazoo, able to solve problems that befuddle others (I like problem solving alot!!) jewelry maker and Reiki Healer..... my passion, of course, is to help others.....

So here i am at a turning point in my life and am confused as to which direction is the right one..... wiriting, art, healing.... you know?

I can't work in an office right now... i have thought of starting a website, but with so much potential, which do i choose.... editing? writing for treatment centers? healing? artwork? jewelry?
