Negative Personalities


Is there a crystal that is best for removing a persons negativity?

I am afraid that altho I love crystals and have a few, I am fairly ignorant in their uses.


Well, not sure what you mean but there is no way you can clear a person's negativity with a crystal.
What you can do is clear a room from the residu of a person's negative energy once they left. For that I find clear crystal works best. Just place a few of them in the room. Be sure to cleanse them every now and then because they have to work.
I generally clean them keeping them under running water, while visualizing that they are cleansed.
Works for me, but some people have more elaborate methods.


snowflake obsidian


Good old fashioned salt. (Getting them into the bath might be trickier!)


Belladonna said:
Good old fashioned salt. (Getting them into the bath might be trickier!)


Also black tourmaline, fantastic :)



I always wear a bracelet made of Black Tourmaline when I do readings. Just makes me feel protected from some of the negative energy I can come up against out in the world.


I've also heard of using black tourmaline or obsidian for this.



I have a chunk of obsidian. I never thought to use it this way before. What about jet?

Zorya, what does snowflake obsidian look like?


Well... maybe this will help.... What I was thinking is that I would like to give my son something that will help him.. he is a very negative person, and trouble seems to be drawn to him ( when he is not looking for it).. he has the black cloud, the angry young man syndrome.

I thought I had read somewhere that rose quartz has a calming affect, but I don't think that he would be receptive to wearing a pink stone on his person.


It's funny, Majecot. When I first read this thread the very first stone that popped into my head was rose quartz, but I dismissed it thinking that it wasn't really what you were asking for. Somehow I think maybe it is!

He could keep a piece in his pocket, or in a little leather pouch around his neck or attached to his belt.